重定向程序集版本,以不同的CLR / GAC重定向、不同、版本、程序

由网友(人潮拥挤我好多余)分享简介:我有关于2 CLR版本的问题,即第2版和.NET框架版本4,使用不同的GAC位置。我建立了一个客户端应用程序,它从V2 GAC引用程序集X(C:\ WINDOWS \组装)。我现在更新组件的X在.NET框架的V4运行(C:\ WINDOWS \ Microsoft.NET \组装),但是,我不想重新编译的客户端应用程序...

我有关于2 CLR版本的问题,即第2版和.NET框架版本4,使用不同的GAC位置。我建立了一个客户端应用程序,它从V2 GAC引用程序集X(C: WINDOWS 组装)。我现在更新组件的X在.NET框架的V4运行(C: WINDOWS Microsoft.NET 组装),但是,我不想重新编译的客户端应用程序。请注意,组装X,从V2 GAC安装到V4 GAC之前被删除。

I have a question regarding the 2 CLR versions, i.e. version 2 and version 4 of the .NET framework, which use different GAC locations. I have a client application built which references an assembly "X" from the v2 GAC (C:WindowsAssembly). I am now updating the assembly "X" to run on v4 of the .NET framework (C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETassembly), however, I do not want to recompile the client application. Note, assembly "X" is removed from the v2 GAC before installing the to v4 GAC.


Is it possible to create a publisher policy file which redirects an assembly which used to reside in version 2 of the CLR to version 4 of the CLR? If so, how is this achieved?

我已经搜查了MSDN,并了解存在这样的情况,你可以指定.NET Framework版本的assemblyBinding元素上appliesTo领域,但这似乎涵盖了整个绑定。

I have searched the MSDN, and understand there is an appliesTo field on the assemblyBinding element where you can specify the version of the .NET framework, but this seems to encompass the whole bind.


<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" .Net 2 newVersion="" .Net 4/>

我在这里读 http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-美国/杂志/ dd727509.aspx 的CLR 2.0版的应用程序现在还无法看到在GAC CLR 4.0版组件。但是,您可以强制应用程序使用,以使用更新的CLR:

I have read here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd727509.aspx that CLR v2.0 applications now cannot see CLR v4.0 assemblies in the GAC. However, you can force an app to use the updated CLR using:

<startup useLegacyV2RuntimeActivationPolicy="true">
<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />


So would a mixture of this plus the publisher policy suffice, or is there another way?


这里的决定因素是你的客户端应用程序在其下运行的CLR版本。如果是V2再有就是你可以为了使V4组件可用,甚至可以看到它什么都不做。如果它在V4 CLR中运行,那么它会自动尝试先解决在V4 GAC集引用。

The determining factor here is which version of the CLR your client app is running under. If it's v2 then there's nothing you can do in order to make v4 assemblies usable or even visible to it. If it does run under the v4 CLR then it would automatically try to resolve assembly references in the v4 GAC first.

好消息是,有没有需要重新编译,以达到你的客户端应用程序。你可以简单地迫使它的.Net 4下运行,加入到这个应用程序的配置文件:

The good news is, there is not need for you to recompile your client app in order to achieve that. You can simply force it to run under .Net 4 by adding this to the app's config file:

    <supportedRuntime version="v4.0" />


This should give you what you wanted.


