
由网友(你的瞳印着谁的温柔)分享简介:我做的多媒体应用。我的问题是,我想oracle数据库连接到通过JDBC我的应用程序。每当我试图连接JDBC驱动程序就说明I am doing multimedia application. my issue is i want to connect oracle database into my applicatio...


I am doing multimedia application. my issue is i want to connect oracle database into my application through JDBC. whenever i tried to connect jdbc driver it shows

Dxwarning:忽略InnerClasses属性匿名内部类   (oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleRuntimeLoadBalancingEventHandlerThread $ 1)不来的   相关EnclosingMethod属性。这个类可能是由一个生产   编译器并没有针对现代.class文件格式。推荐   的解决方案是重新编译从源的类,使用最多的最新的编译器   并且不指定任何-target类型选项。忽视的后果   这个警告是在此类反射操作将不正确   表明它是的没有的一个内部类。

Dxwarning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class (oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleRuntimeLoadBalancingEventHandlerThread$1) that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly indicate that it is not an inner class.

任何人都可以链接确切的jar文件的Oracle JDBC的Andr​​oid应用程序。

can anyone link the exact jar file for oracle JDBC for android application.



You cannot import a JAR implementing java.* classes easily. And, JDBC would need to be ported to Android, since it probably relies upon classes in JavaSE that Android lacks. And, you would need to write your own JDBC driver for SQLite anyway, wrapping the API Android already supplies, since I suspect the existing JDBC driver uses JNI. And, when all of that is done, you will have an application that adds a lot of bloat, making it less likely people will download and retain your application.



