
由网友(邪眸)分享简介:很多的code基方法,我的同龄人写的捕捉,通知和记录自己进行错误处理,一般。A lot of the code base methods my peers have written perform their own error handling, usually by catching, notifying, an...


A lot of the code base methods my peers have written perform their own error handling, usually by catching, notifying, and logging.


In these cases the methods return a boolean, indicating success or failure.


Sometimes though, if a method fails, I want the calling code to know why, and returning a boolean is not enough.


One way around this is to keep the error handling in the methods, but make the method void, and have the methods throw their Exceptions.


However, recently I've got into the habit of returning Exceptions in appropriate methods, usually action methods that could otherwise be void, but where I'd like to know the status of the action.


The advantages of returning an Exception over having a void method throw an Exception is that I think it makes it easier for other programmers to use your library, and, more importantly, it means you can safely call that method without having to worry about catching the Exception


For example, if the method is just void, it might not be instantly obvious that the programmer should handle success or failure.


But if the methods specifically specifies a return type of Exception, then you know you can check success or failure if you want to. But it also means you don't need to worry about catching the error if you don't want to.


Does that make sense? Maybe I haven't used the best example, but generally, is it OK to return Exceptions, or is there a better pattern out there?




wow, the overwhelming result is no way. I thought so. I must say, doing it (returning an Exception) kinda solved a problem, but it did feel wrong.


So, from some of your answers, the best solution to these specific scenarios (a complex class, or a class with one or more external dependencies (i.e. web service)) seems to be a custom results Class?


真是AP preciating所有的意见,正在通过一切阅读,我仔细考虑所有的输入。

hey guys, really appreciating all the opinions, am reading through everything, and I'm thinking carefully about all the input.


Currently I'm favoring having a void method, throwing the Exceptions, and then catching them on the outside....is that better?




If you mean something like ...

public Exception MyMethod( string foo )
   if( String.IsNullOrEmpty() )
      return new ArgumentNullException( "foo" );


... rather than ...

public void MyMethod( string foo )
   if( String.IsNullOrEmpty() )
      throw new ArgumentNullException( "foo" )


另一个很好的理由不在于标准的代表们将不再匹配方法签名。因此,例如,你不能使用动作<字符串> 上的MyMethod了,并需要使用 Func键<字符串,异常> 代替。

Another good reason not to is that standard delegates would no longer match your method signature. So, for example, you could not use Action<string> on MyMethod anymore and would need to use Func<string,Exception> instead.


@Andy, per comment, answer too long for a comment: Not really. Don't be so concerned about the caller. He should be being defensive in his design anyway. Think about the semantics of an Exception ... "The execution of this application will stop right here unless somebody knows what to do about this problem." If you can resolve the issue, you should resolve it. If you can't, you have to log it and throw it to the next level, because they may know exactly what to do.


You should handle what you can handle and throw what you can't. By definition, the guy up the call stack has a broader view of the world than you. Your application needs to be resilient in it's ability to deal with exceptions and keep on going. They only way to do that is defensive coding and push issues up to higher levels of information to see if anything can be done.

目前,如果答案是否的一天结束,然后登录的问题可以理解,是盒子的好公民,并优雅地终止应用程序和生活再战。别太自私和尝试,并隐藏错误您的来电。要防守,他会做同样的。 :)

At the end of the day if the answer is "no", then log the problem to it can be understood, be a good citizen of the box and terminate the application gracefully and live to fight another day. Don't be selfish and try and hide errors for your caller. Be defensive and he will do the same. :)


Check out the Enterprise Library Exception handling block. It think they really articulate a great vision for how to deal with exceptions throughout your architecture.


