发送XML文件的Andr​​oid使用HTTP POST文件、Andr、XML、POST

由网友(小吃货吖)分享简介:我想知道是否有人知道一个很好的教程。我在我的应用程序2 edittexts用户名和密码。我想在XML文件中写入这些并将其发送到我的服务器。我在想这将打开连接,写XML,将其发送,并等待一个答案的函数,这个函数有两个输入参数,这些参数的用户名和密码。请给我code建议:-)感谢I want to know if an...

我想知道是否有人知道一个很好的教程。我在我的应用程序2 edittexts用户名和密码。我想在XML文件中写入这些并将其发送到我的服务器。我在想这将打开连接,写XML,将其发送,并等待一个答案的函数,这个函数有两个输入参数,这些参数的用户名和密码。 请给我code建议:-)感谢

I want to know if anyone knows a good tutorial. I have in my app 2 edittexts with username and password. I want to write these in an xml file and send it to my server. I was thinking about a function which opens the connection, writes the xml, sends it, and waits for an answer, and this function will have two input parameters which are username and password. Please send me code suggestions :-) thanks


您的问题已问过:的 Android的,通过HTTP POST(SOAP)发送XML 一个简单的谷歌搜索:Android的HTTP POST XML返回的结果,当然等方面具有搜索功能太;)

Your question has been asked before: Android, sending XML via HTTP POST (SOAP) A simple google search of: android http post xml returned that result, of course SO has a search feature too ;)


