
由网友(嗜欲)分享简介:我想要一个复杂的/不平凡的标头添加到一个ListView(略不太复杂的页脚),需要与其他内容一起滚动。I'm trying to add a complex / non-trivial header to a ListView (and slightly less complex footer) that needs...


I'm trying to add a complex / non-trivial header to a ListView (and slightly less complex footer) that needs to scroll along with the rest of the content.


用粗体文字,黑色透明的背景和圆角一个TextView 在对普通的文字一个TextView,黑色透明背景 在一个ImageView的 在一个可点击的按钮(实际上有一个的onClick ImageView的)和一个分频器


I'm familiar with addHeaderView, but if I try to add a complex view (consisting of a LinearLayout with multiple children), I only see the first child of the complex header in the listview as header.

此外,该设计突破(因为头可以被透明样式,ListView控件本身是没有的。也许,这可以通过添加更多的造型给ListView本身及其项(这不应该是透明的)来解决,但我有IM pression我只是达到列表视图限制在这里。

Also, the design breaks (because the header may be styled transparently, the ListView itself isn't. Perhaps this can be solved by adding more styling to the ListView itself and its entries (which shouldn't be transparent), but I have the impression I'm simply reaching ListViews limits here.


Can this be done? Does anyone know of any applications (or better, code examples) that have a similar complex header? All other examples that I've been able to find are trivial headers: buttons, textviews or images (online and on SO) with hardly interesting styling.



I've attempted to reimplement my scrolling listview from scratch, roughly as follows:

与背景图像和一个ListView的一个main.xml中,有20dip缘 一些特定的样式:

a main.xml with a background image and a single ListView, with a 20dip margin and some specific styling:

<item name="android:cacheColorHint">#00000000</item>
<item name="android:scrollbars">@null</item>
<item name="android:background">@android:color/transparent</item>


a headerlayout.xml containing a linear layout (vertical), containing a TextView, ImageView and another TextView. The first TextView is styled with rounded topcorners, both textviews are styled transparent, and a clicklistener on the image.


The header/footer are added roughly as follows

ListView list = (ListView) findViewById(;
View header1 =  getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.listheader, null, false);
View footer = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.listfooter, null, false);
ImageView image = (ImageView) header1.findViewById(;

list.addHeaderView(header1, null, false);
list.addFooterView(footer, null, false);
list.setAdapter(new MenuAdapter());


None of this is actually truely special. It's mostly a matter of doing things in the right order, stripped down and properly styled.


