的Visual Studio 2013年您没有足够的权限来访问IIS网站,您的机器上您的、您没有、权限、来访问

由网友(/.赱私娚孒o.)分享简介:我刚刚安装VS2013并打开IIS 7在我的Windows 7旗舰版64位的机器。当试图打开一个解决方案,我得到:I just installed VS2013 and turned on IIS 7 on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine. When trying to open...

我刚刚安装VS2013并打开IIS 7在我的Windows 7旗舰版64位的机器。当试图打开一个解决方案,我得到:

I just installed VS2013 and turned on IIS 7 on my Windows 7 Ultimate x64 machine. When trying to open a solution i get:


: error : Creation of the virtual directory localhost:xxxxx failed with the error: Unable to access the IIS metabase. You do not have sufficient privilege to access IIS web sites on your machine.

我试图运行Visual Studio 2013作为管理员(右击,以管理员身份运行),还是同样的错误。我也做了为aspnet_regiis -i 和它没有帮助的。

I tried running Visual Studio 2013 as Administrator (right click, run as administrator), still the same error. I also did aspnet_regiis -i and it didnt help either.


进入C: WINDOWS SYSTEM32 INETSRV。点击config文件夹。你会得到一个弹出 - 你没有访问此文件夹 - 单击继续永久性地可以访问此文件夹。执行相同的是config文件夹里面导出文件夹。 您应该能够开解和Web应用程序项目将被部署在IIS上。

Go to C:WindowsSystem32inetsrv. Click config folder. You will get a popup - "You don't have access to this folder - Click continue to permanently get access to this folder". Perform same for Export folder which is inside config folder. You should be able to open the solution and the web application project will be deployed on IIS.


