
由网友(触不及的容颜)分享简介:我有这样的C#DLL:I have this C# DLL:namespace TestCSProject{public class TestClass{public static TestClass Instance = null;public int Add(int a, int b){if (this ==...


I have this C# DLL:

namespace TestCSProject
    public class TestClass
        public static TestClass Instance = null;

        public int Add(int a, int b)
            if (this == null)
                Console.WriteLine("this is null");
            return a + b;


And this F# app which references the DLL:

open TestCSProject
printfn "%d" (TestClass.Instance.Add(10,20))


No-one initiates the Instance static variable. Guess what the output of the F# app is?

this is null
Press any key to continue . . .


After a few tests I found out that unless I use this (e.g. to access instance field), I won't get NullReferenceExpcetion.

那是一个预期的行为或F#编译差距/ CLR?

Is that an intended behaviour or a gap in F# compilation / CLR?


我怀疑你会发现它的使用通话而不是 callvirt 如果你的IL。 C#编译器总是使用 callvirt ,即使对于非虚方法,因为它迫使一个无效的检查。

I suspect you'll find it's using call instead of callvirt if you look at the IL. The C# compiler always uses callvirt, even for non-virtual methods, because it forces a nullity check.


Is this a bug? Well, not necessarily. It depends on what the F# language specification states about methods calls on null references. It's perfectly possible that it states that the method will be called (non-virtually) with a null "this" reference, which is exactly what has happened.

C#恰好说明,这类提领将抛出一个的NullReferenceException ,但是这是一个语言的选择。

C# happens to specify that this sort of dereferencing will throw a NullReferenceException, but that's a language choice.


I suspect the F# approach may be a little faster, due to the lack of nullity checking involved... and don't forget that null references are less "expected" in F# than in C#... that may explain the different approach taken here. Or it could just be an oversight, of course.


I'm not an expert at reading the F# specification, but section 6.9.6 at least suggests to me that it's a bug:


6.9.6 Evaluating Method Applications

有关的方法阐述了应用,前pression的阐述形式将   无论是expr.M(参数)或M(参数)。

For elaborated applications of methods, the elaborated form of the expression will be either expr.M(args) or M(args).



The (optional) expr and args are evaluated in left-to-right order and the body of the member is evaluated in an environment with formal parameters that are mapped to corresponding argument values.


If expr evaluates to null then NullReferenceException is raised.


If the method is a virtual dispatch slot (that is, a method that is declared abstract) then the body of the member is chosen according to the dispatch maps of the value of expr.


Whether this counts as an elaborated application or not is a little beyond me, I'm afraid... but I hope this has been at least somewhat helpful.


