
由网友(尘烟酒瘾)分享简介:在使用 Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar (或 Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar ,没有按'吨有所作为),所述ActionMode(或上下文动作条)选择文本时出现,例如,是通过默认的样式相同的方式,在标准黑暗的主题,即深蓝色光动作图标When using...

在使用 Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar (或 Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar ,没有按'吨有所作为),所述ActionMode(或上下文动作条)选择文本时出现,例如,是通过默认的样式相同的方式,在标准黑暗的主题,即深蓝色光动作图标

When using Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar (or Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar, doesn't make a difference), the ActionMode (or "contextual ActionBar") that appears for example when selecting text, is by default styled the same way as in the standard dark theme, that is dark blue with light action icons.


However, when you try to select a text in a Dialog (which is light-styled in this theme, in contrast to the black ActionBar), an ActionMode styled as in the Light theme (white background) appears instead. The problem is, that its action icons are not dark as they should be, but light, making them effectively invisible.

这好像背景拍摄(因为光线对话框)从光的主题,但是它们的图标取自黑暗的主题。这是在 Light.DarkActionBar 主题的错误?我能做些什么呢?

This seems as if the background was taken from the light theme (because of the light dialog), but the icons were taken from the dark theme. Is this a bug in the Light.DarkActionBar theme? Can I do something about it?



I was fighting with the same issue since last two days. Finally I came up with a workaround!

我使用的是 DialogFragment AlertDialog 对象。在 onCreateDialog()方法,我们所要做的就是让父活动的背景下,并重新设置主题为 Theme.Light

I am using a DialogFragment with an AlertDialog object. In the onCreateDialog() method, all we have to do is get the context of the parent activity and set its theme again to Theme.Light.

public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //get the parent activity context and set it's theme again.
    Context ctx = getActivity();
    AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(ctx);
    LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) ctx.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
    View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.your_dialog_layout, null, false);

    //your other code for the dialog

    return builder.create();

现在的语境动作条的图标的EditText 有合适的颜色。


