
由网友(等一句晚安)分享简介:我工作的得到从静态code分析去掉了一些警告。在一个特定的情况下,没有处分权被上做了的ManualResetEvent 。I'm working on getting rid of some warnings from a static code analysis.In one specific case the...

我工作的得到从静态code分析去掉了一些警告。 在一个特定的情况下,没有处分权被上做了的ManualResetEvent

I'm working on getting rid of some warnings from a static code analysis. In one specific case there was no disposing being done on a ManualResetEvent.

在code有关执行 Func键主线程和阻塞调用线程一定毫秒数上。我知道这听起​​来像一个奇怪的事情,但它是这个问题的范围之内,所以多多包涵。

The code in question executes a Func on the main thread and blocks the calling thread for a certain number of milliseconds. I realize this sounds like a weird thing to do, but it's outside the scope of this question, so bear with me.


Suppose I add a using statement like so:

object result = null;
using (var completedEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false))
    _dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
            result = someFunc;
            completedEvent.Set();  // Here be dragons!

    return result;

现在,我意识到,这很可能会导致问题。我也正好使用 ReSharper的,并警告我的消息访问处置倒闭。

Now, I realize that this is likely to cause problems. I also happen to use Resharper and it warns me with the message "Access to disposed closure".


Resharper proposes to fix this by changing the offending line to:

if (completedEvent != null)

现在,提出的解决方案我迷惑不解。在正常情况下,也就没有理由的变量将由使用语句设置为。 有一些实现细节在.NET关闭,将保证该变量为之后已经关闭了该变量被设置?

Now, the proposed solution puzzles me. Under normal circumstances, there would be no reason why a variable would be set to null by a using statement. Is there some implementation detail to closures in .NET that would guarantee the variable to be null after the variable that has been closed over is disposed?


As a bonus question, what would be a good solution to the problem of disposing the ManualResetEvent?



You are mixing up ReSharper's "quick fix" and "context action". When ReSharper proposes to fix something, then most likely you'd see a bulb there. You don't see a bulb here, because there are no quick fixes to this warning.


But aside from quick fixes ReSharper also has "context actions", where it can do some routine tasks for you (think of them like a small refactorings). When ReSharper has a context action for a code under cursor, it would show you a pick. Here you see a context action called "Check if something is not null". It has no relation to a warning, and there is no convention that after disposing a variable would be set to null.


Also, when you press Alt-Enter, you'd see a striked-out bulb to give you impression that ReSharper doesn't suggest any quick fixes for this warning, but it can disable it with comments. In fact, that's the only way to make this warning go away easily. But I'd rewrite this piece of code instead.


