
由网友(麻麻说越长越能撩妹)分享简介:我想在我的Andr​​oid应用程序来实现ViewHolder,但我不断收到这ViewHolder不能被解析为一个类型,没有对进口的任何建议。任何人都知道如何解决这个问题?I am trying to implement ViewHolder in my Android app, but I keep getting...


I am trying to implement ViewHolder in my Android app, but I keep getting that ViewHolder cannot be resolved to a type, without any suggestions for an import. Anyone know how to get around this?


这是因为 ViewHolder 不是一类就是的在的是Android SDK,你自己做的。 根据我所能find,一个 ViewHolder 是存储视图(每行一个ListView通常情况下)的较大面积的实现,所以它是一种辅助类和高速缓存机制。这是一款例如我发现在Android开发者有什么 ViewHolder 将包含。

That's because a ViewHolder is not a class that is from the Android SDK, you make it yourself. Based on what I can find, a ViewHolder is an implementation that stores Views (per row in a ListView usually) for a larger area, so it is a sort of helper class and cache mechanism. This is one example I found on Android Developers of what a ViewHolder would contain.

static class ViewHolder {
  TextView text;
  TextView timestamp;
  ImageView icon;
  ProgressBar progress;
  int position;

然后你可以在实现它 ListAdapter 或同级。


