
由网友(盖世垃圾)分享简介:我们正在做的.NET框架的一个项目,并希望使大部分功能可后来的Lua脚本。我以为我可以编写一个DLL并加载到Lua脚本LuaInterface的帮助。但不知何故,没有工作。We are doing a project in .NET framework and want to make most of its fun...


We are doing a project in .NET framework and want to make most of its functionalities available later for Lua scripts. I thought I could compile a dll and load it to Lua script with the help of LuaInterface. But somehow it did not work.


require 'luanet' 
Form = luanet.import_type("System.Windows.Forms.Form")
Button = luanet.import_type("System.Windows.Forms.Button")
form1 = Form()
button1 = Button()

正如你所看到的,在这里我加载标准装配和类型,并没有造成太大的问题。 不过,如果我有我自己的DLLLuaTest.NET 4.0下编译并尝试加载它LUA。它不起作用。我写的东西一样,

As you can see, here I'm loading standard assembly and types, which didn't cause much problem. However, if I have my own dll 'LuaTest' compiled under .NET 4.0 and try to load it in LUA. It did not work. I wrote something like,

require 'luanet'
PlanetarySystem = luanet.import_type("LuaTest.PlanetarySystem")
solarSystem = PlanetarySystem()


where 'PlanetarySystem' is a class in LuaTest. If I run this piece of code, the interpreter would say: attempt to call global 'PlanetarySystem' (a nil value).


I also tried another way to load the dll:

package.path = package.path .. ";" .. "/?.dll"
require 'luanet'
require 'LuaTest'

运行后,除preTER抛出:LUA:错误加载模块LuaTest从文件' LuaTest.dll。':指定的程序无法找到

After run, the interpreter throws: lua: error loading module 'LuaTest' from file '.LuaTest.dll': The specified procedure could not be found.


I'm quite a newbie to .NET framework and LuaInterface. Perhaps I did something utterly wrong. Please help me on this. Many thanks!


Perhaps I should have an 'Entry Point' for Lua in my dll to indicate that this dll is LUA loadable???

编辑:Lua的不LUA。没有进攻,以讲葡萄牙语的人。我使用的是必须与.NET 4.0兼容的Lunanet,否则第一块code是行不通的。

Lua not LUA. No offense to Portuguese speaking people. The Lunanet I'm using must be compatible with .NET 4.0, otherwise the first piece of code would not work.



I believe you are confusing the assembly name with being a required part of the fully qualified name of the type that you are trying to import. The error indicates that the PlanetarySystem class is a "a nil value", meaning that it likely couldn't find a class by that fully qualified name. I would be certain on the namespace that your class was in.


Second, if my first recommendation doesn't work, you may need to make your classes ComVisible so that the Lua engine can see your classes.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ ms182157.aspx


