
由网友(感情刽子手)分享简介:我使用的文法的ObjectListView。我改变了我的老列表视图到这一点,但我要做的就是填写项目。但是,当应用程序启动时,我的鼠标移动到列表视图,它立即抛出一个异常:I am using Grammarian's ObjectListView. I changed my old listviews to that,...


I am using Grammarian's ObjectListView. I changed my old listviews to that, but all I do is to fill in items. But when the app starts up and my mouse is over the listview, it immediately throws an exception for:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled
  Message="Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem' to type 'BrightIdeasSoftware.OLVListItem'."


How to fix this?


Also I use Win7 if that's important.



I use a dictionary. It looks like I need to use the SetObjects method instead of adding items.


Ok this is great, but I am just using the dict.Value collection. I don't want to modify the data through listview, only show. So I have only 1 column and list everything there which are strings. Is this possible?

我会AP preciate一小部分。

I would appreciate a small sample.



In regards to Grammarian's answer, what they do not tell you is this.

他们告诉你,你只需要一条线来激活它,但你会发现这是一个头痛的很多的更多的工作,那么它的价值。我的高的建议你坚持的正常的的ListView ,否则你会发现自己写1000行模型类。 ..只是以1串添加到的ListView

They tell you that you need just one line to activate it, but you will find it's a headache and a lot more work then it's worth. I highly suggest you to stick to the normal ListView, otherwise you will find yourself writing a 1000 lines model class... Just to add 1 string to a ListView.

只是这个道理 ObjectListView 业务,你看起来太成前...

Just the truth about this ObjectListView business before you look too much into it...

去下载例子,看一看,我觉得很容易,只需使用普通的的ListView 坦率地说。

Go download the example and take a look, I find it easier to just use a normal ListView frankly.


