
由网友(故事与你)分享简介:这是我的code以获得在Android的雅虎接触。即时通讯能够获得高达访问令牌,但同时对接触使GET请求即时得到签名无效的错误。我搜索了很多,但我不能找到什么即时做错了。所以任何人都帮我个忙。公共类YahooContacts扩展BaseActivity {私人最终字符串变量=yahoo_auth;私有静态最后弦乐CO...

这是我的code以获得在Android的雅虎接触。 即时通讯能够获得高达访问令牌,但同时对接触使GET请求即时得到签名无效的错误。


 公共类YahooContacts扩展BaseActivity {

    私有静态最后弦乐CONSUMER_KEY =My_c​​onsumer_key;
    私有静态最后弦乐CONSUMER_SECRET =my_consumer_secret;

    私有静态最后弦乐CALLBACK_HOST =www.something_unique_here.com;
            + CALLBACK_HOST;

    私人字符串的auth_token = NULL;
    私人字符串AUTH_URL = NULL;
    私人字符串USER_TOKEN = NULL;
    私人字符串mUSER_GUID = NULL;

    私人的WebView mWebview;

        mWebview =(web视图)findViewById(R.id.webview);


    类getContactsTask扩展的AsyncTask<虚空,虚空,虚空> {

            super.on preExecute();

        保护无效doInBackground(虚空...... PARAMS){






        字符串requestPath =htt​​ps://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token?oauth_consumer_key=
                + CONSUMER_KEY
                +与& oauth_nonce =
                + System.currentTimeMillis的()
                +&放大器; oauth_signature_method = PLAINTEXT
                +与& oauth_signature =
                + CONSUMER_SECRET
                +与& oauth_timestamp =
                + System.currentTimeMillis的()
                +&放大器; oauth_version = 1.0
                +&放大器; xoauth_lang_ preF = EN-US
                +与& oauth_callback =+ CALLBACK_URL;
        HTTPGET HTTPGET =新HTTPGET(requestPath);
        尝试 {
            ResponseHandler的<字符串> ResponseHandler的=新BasicResponseHandler();
            字符串responseBody = httpclient.execute(HTTPGET,ResponseHandler所);
            的String []数据= responseBody.split(&安培;);
            的auth_token =数据[0] .replace(oauth_token =,);
            AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET =数据[1] .replace(oauth_token_secret =,);
            AUTH_URL =数据[3] .replace(xoauth_request_auth_url =,);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG的authToken秘密+ AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);


        字符串requestPath =htt​​ps://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_token?oauth_consumer_key=
                + CONSUMER_KEY
                +与& oauth_nonce =
                + System.currentTimeMillis的()
                +&放大器; oauth_signature_method = PLAINTEXT
                +与& oauth_signature =
                + CONSUMER_SECRET
                + AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET
                +与& oauth_timestamp =
                + System.currentTimeMillis的()
                +&放大器; oauth_version = 1.0
                +与& oauth_token =
                +与& oauth_verifier =
                + USER_TOKEN;
        HTTPGET HTTPGET =新HTTPGET(requestPath);
        尝试 {
            ResponseHandler的<字符串> ResponseHandler的=新BasicResponseHandler();
            字符串responseBody = httpclient.execute(HTTPGET,ResponseHandler所);
            的String []数据= responseBody.split(&安培;);
            ACCESS_TOKEN =数据[0] .replace(oauth_token =,);
            mUSER_GUID =数据[5] .replace(xoauth_yahoo_guid =,);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG,用户GUID:+ mUSER_GUID);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG,访问令牌+ ACCESS_TOKEN);

    WebViewClient lWebviewClient =新WebViewClient(){

                INT lastIndex的= url.lastIndexOf(=)+ 1;
                USER_TOKEN = url.substring(lastIndex的,url.length());





        字符串host_url =htt​​p://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/+ mUSER_GUID +/接触;

        串随机数=+ System.currentTimeMillis的();
        字符串的timeStamp =+(System.currentTimeMillis的()/ 1000L);

            字符串PARAMS =?境界= yahooapis.com
                    +与& oauth_consumer_key =+ CONSUMER_KEY
                    +与& oauth_nonce =+乱数
                    +&放大器; oauth_signature_method =+HMAC-SHA1
                    +与& oauth_timestamp =+的timeStamp
                    +&放大器; oauth_token =+ URLDe coder.de code(ACCESS_TOKEN,UTF-8)
                    +&放大器; oauth_version = 1.0

            字符串basestring的=GET和放大器;+ EN code(host_url)+ EN code(PARAMS);
            字符串signingKey = EN code(CONSUMER_SECRET)+&放大器;+ EN code(AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG,基地字符串:+ basestring的);
            字符串lSignature = computeHmac(basestring的,signingKey);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG的签名:+ lSignature);
            lSignature = EN code(lSignature);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG,签名ENA codeD:+ lSignature);

            字符串lRequestUrl = host_url
                                +?境界= yahooapis.com
                                +与& oauth_consumer_key =+ CONSUMER_KEY
                                +与& oauth_nonce =+乱数
                                +&放大器; oauth_signature_method = HMAC-SHA1
                                +与& oauth_timestamp =+的timeStamp
                                +与& oauth_token =+ ACCESS_TOKEN
                                +&放大器; oauth_version = 1.0
                                +与& oauth_signature =+ lSignature
            HTTPGET HTTPGET =新HTTPGET(lRequestUrl);
            ResponseHandler的<字符串> ResponseHandler的=新BasicResponseHandler();
            字符串responseBody = httpclient.execute(HTTPGET,ResponseHandler所);

            VIPLogger.info(TAG,人脉回应:+ responseBody);


        尝试 {
            苹果MAC = Mac.getInstance(HMACSHA1);
            SecretKeySpec signingKey =新SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes(UTF-8),
            byte []的消化= mac.doFinal(baseString.getBytes());
            字符串结果= Base64.en codeToString(消化,Base64.URL_SAFE);


        如果(价值== NULL){
            返回 ;

        尝试 {
            返回URLEn coder.en code(值,UTF-8)
                    // OAuth的EN codeS一些字符是不同的:
        返回 ;

            StringBuilder的resultStr =新的StringBuilder();
            对于(CHAR CH:input.toCharArray()){
                    resultStr.append(toHex(CH / 16));
                } 其他 {

        专用字符toHex(INT CH){
            返程(炭)(CH小于10'0'+ CH:'A'+ CH  -  10);

            如果(CH> 128 || CH℃下)
            返回%$&安培+,/:; = @&其中;>#%​​的indexOf(章)> = 0;


我固定与此code这个问题。关键是ü需要连接code所有钥匙和价值,然后连接$ C C的PARMS $了。 。请记住,access_token当属$ P $笔codeD。



    字符串host_url =htt​​p://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/+ mUSER_GUID +/接触;

    串随机数=+ System.currentTimeMillis的();
    字符串的timeStamp =+(System.currentTimeMillis的()/ 1000L);

        字符串PARAMS =
                + EN code(oauth_consumer_key)+=+ EN code(CONSUMER_KEY)
                +&放大器;+ EN code(oauth_nonce)+=+ EN code(随机数)
                +&放大器;+ EN code(oauth_signature_method)+=+ EN code(HMAC-SHA1)
                +&放大器;+ EN code(oauth_timestamp)+=+ EN code(时间戳)
                +&放大器;+ EN code(oauth_token)+=+ ACCESS_TOKEN
                +&放大器;+ EN code(oauth_version)+=+ EN code(1.0)

        字符串basestring的= EN code(GET)+&放大器;+ EN code(host_url)+&放大器;+ EN code(PARAMS);
        字符串signingKey = EN code(CONSUMER_SECRET)+&放大器;+ EN code(ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG,基地字符串:+ basestring的);
        字符串lSignature = computeHmac(basestring的,signingKey);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG的签名:+ lSignature);
        lSignature = EN code(lSignature);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG,签名ENA codeD:+ lSignature);

        字符串lRequestUrl = host_url
                            +?oauth_consumer_key =+ CONSUMER_KEY
                            +与& oauth_nonce =+乱数
                            +&放大器; oauth_signature_method = HMAC-SHA1
                            +与& oauth_timestamp =+的timeStamp
                            +与& oauth_token =+ ACCESS_TOKEN
                            +&放大器; oauth_version = 1.0
                            +与& oauth_signature =+ lSignature
        HTTPGET HTTPGET =新HTTPGET(lRequestUrl);
        ResponseHandler的<字符串> ResponseHandler的=新BasicResponseHandler();
        字符串responseBody = httpclient.execute(HTTPGET,ResponseHandler所);

        VIPLogger.info(TAG,人脉回应:+ responseBody);

OAuth2.0 的简介

this is my code to get yahoo contacts in android . i m able to get upto access token but while making GET request for contacts im getting signature invalid error.

i searched a lot but i couldnt found what im doing wrong. so anyone give me a hand.

public class YahooContacts extends BaseActivity {
    private final String TAG = "yahoo_auth";

    private static final String CONSUMER_KEY = "My_consumer_key";
    private static final String CONSUMER_SECRET = "my_consumer_secret";

    private static final String CALLBACK_SCHEME = "http";
    private static final String CALLBACK_HOST = "www.something_unique_here.com";
    private static final String CALLBACK_URL = CALLBACK_SCHEME + "://"
            + CALLBACK_HOST;

    private String AUTH_TOKEN = null;
    private String AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = null;
    private String AUTH_URL = null;
    private String USER_TOKEN = null;
    private String ACCESS_TOKEN = null;
    private String mUSER_GUID = null;

    private WebView mWebview;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        mWebview = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);
        new getContactsTask().execute();


    class getContactsTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {

        protected void onPreExecute() {

        protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) {

            return null;

        protected void onPostExecute(Void result) {



    private void getAuthorizationToken() {

        String requestPath = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_request_token?oauth_consumer_key="
                + CONSUMER_KEY
                + "&oauth_nonce="
                + System.currentTimeMillis()
                + "x"
                + "&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT"
                + "&oauth_signature="
                + CONSUMER_SECRET
                + "%26"
                + "&oauth_timestamp="
                + System.currentTimeMillis()
                + "&oauth_version=1.0"
                + "&xoauth_lang_pref=en-us"
                + "&oauth_callback=" + CALLBACK_URL;
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(requestPath);
        try {
            ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
            String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);
            String[] data = responseBody.split("&");
            AUTH_TOKEN = data[0].replace("oauth_token=", "");
            AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET = data[1].replace("oauth_token_secret=", "");
            AUTH_URL = data[3].replace("xoauth_request_auth_url=", "");
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "authToken" + AUTH_TOKEN);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "authToken secret" + AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
        } catch (Exception e) {

    private void getUserAutherization() {
                + AUTH_TOKEN);

    private void getAccessToken() {
        String requestPath = "https://api.login.yahoo.com/oauth/v2/get_token?oauth_consumer_key="
                + CONSUMER_KEY
                + "&oauth_nonce="
                + System.currentTimeMillis()
                + "x"
                + "&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT"
                + "&oauth_signature="
                + CONSUMER_SECRET
                + "%26"
                + AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET
                + "&oauth_timestamp="
                + System.currentTimeMillis()
                + "&oauth_version=1.0"
                + "&oauth_token="
                + AUTH_TOKEN
                + "&oauth_verifier="
                + USER_TOKEN;
        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(requestPath);
        try {
            ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
            String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);
            String[] data = responseBody.split("&");
            ACCESS_TOKEN = data[0].replace("oauth_token=", "");
            mUSER_GUID = data[5].replace("xoauth_yahoo_guid=", "");
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "user guid: " + mUSER_GUID);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "Access token: " + ACCESS_TOKEN);
        } catch (Exception e) {
                    "error while fetching user guid and access token");

    WebViewClient lWebviewClient = new WebViewClient() {

        public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url,
                android.graphics.Bitmap favicon) {
            if (url.contains("vipitservice")) {
                int lastIndex = url.lastIndexOf("=") + 1;
                VIPLogger.info(TAG, url.substring(lastIndex, url.length()));
                USER_TOKEN = url.substring(lastIndex, url.length());



    private void getAllContacts() {

        HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

        String host_url = "http://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/" + mUSER_GUID+ "/contacts";

        String nonce = ""+System.currentTimeMillis();
        String timeStamp = ""+(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000L);

            String params = "?realm=yahooapis.com" 
                    + "&oauth_consumer_key=" + CONSUMER_KEY
                    + "&oauth_nonce="+nonce
                    + "&oauth_signature_method="+"HMAC-SHA1"
                    + "&oauth_timestamp="+timeStamp
                    + "&oauth_token="+URLDecoder.decode(ACCESS_TOKEN,"utf-8")
                    + "&oauth_version=1.0"

            String baseString = "GET&"+encode(host_url)+encode(params);
            String signingKey = encode(CONSUMER_SECRET)+"&"+encode(AUTH_TOKEN_SECRET);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "base string: " + baseString);
            String lSignature = computeHmac(baseString, signingKey);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "signature: " + lSignature);
            lSignature = encode(lSignature);
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "signature enacoded: " + lSignature);

            String lRequestUrl = host_url
                                + "?realm=yahooapis.com"
                                + "&oauth_consumer_key="+CONSUMER_KEY
                                + "&oauth_nonce="+nonce
                                + "&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1"
                                + "&oauth_timestamp="+timeStamp
                                + "&oauth_token="+ACCESS_TOKEN
                                + "&oauth_version=1.0"
                                + "&oauth_signature="+lSignature
            VIPLogger.info(TAG, lRequestUrl.substring(1202));
            HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(lRequestUrl);
            ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
            String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);

            VIPLogger.info(TAG, "contacts response: " + responseBody);
        }catch(Exception e){
            VIPLogger.error(TAG, "error while fetching user contacts");


    public String computeHmac(String baseString, String key) {
        try {
            Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
            SecretKeySpec signingKey = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"),
            byte[] digest = mac.doFinal(baseString.getBytes());
            String result = Base64.encodeToString(digest, Base64.URL_SAFE);
            return result;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            VIPLogger.error(TAG, "error while generating sha");
        return null;


    public String encodeURIComponent(final String value) {
        if (value == null) {
            return "";

        try {
            return URLEncoder.encode(value, "utf-8")
                    // OAuth encodes some characters differently:
                    .replace("+", "%20").replace("*", "%2A")
                    .replace("%7E", "~");
            // This could be done faster with more hand-crafted code.
        } catch (Exception e) {
        return "";

        public  String encode(String input) {
            StringBuilder resultStr = new StringBuilder();
            for (char ch : input.toCharArray()) {
                if (isUnsafe(ch)) {
                    resultStr.append(toHex(ch / 16));
                    resultStr.append(toHex(ch % 16));
                } else {
            return resultStr.toString().trim();

        private  char toHex(int ch) {
            return (char) (ch < 10 ? '0' + ch : 'A' + ch - 10);

        private  boolean isUnsafe(char ch) {
            if (ch > 128 || ch < 0)
                return true;
            return " %$&+,/:;=?@<>#%".indexOf(ch) >= 0;


i fixed this issue with this code. the trick is u need to encode all 'key' and 'values', then encode the parms again. . Remember that access_token comes as preencoded.

private void getAllContacts() {

    HttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient();

    String host_url = "http://social.yahooapis.com/v1/user/" + mUSER_GUID+ "/contacts";

    String nonce = ""+System.currentTimeMillis();
    String timeStamp = ""+(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000L);

        String params = 
                ""+encode("oauth_consumer_key")+"=" + encode(CONSUMER_KEY)
                + "&"+encode("oauth_nonce")+"="+encode(nonce)
                + "&"+encode("oauth_signature_method")+"="+encode("HMAC-SHA1")
                + "&"+encode("oauth_timestamp")+"="+encode(timeStamp)
                + "&"+encode("oauth_token")+"="+ACCESS_TOKEN
                + "&"+encode("oauth_version")+"="+encode("1.0")

        String baseString = encode("GET")+"&"+encode(host_url)+"&"+encode(params);
        String signingKey = encode(CONSUMER_SECRET)+"&"+encode(ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG, "base string: " + baseString);
        String lSignature = computeHmac(baseString, signingKey);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG, "signature: " + lSignature);
        lSignature = encode(lSignature);
        VIPLogger.info(TAG, "signature enacoded: " + lSignature);

        String lRequestUrl = host_url
                            + "?oauth_consumer_key="+CONSUMER_KEY
                            + "&oauth_nonce="+nonce
                            + "&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1"
                            + "&oauth_timestamp="+timeStamp
                            + "&oauth_token="+ACCESS_TOKEN
                            + "&oauth_version=1.0"
                            + "&oauth_signature="+lSignature
        //VIPLogger.info(TAG, lRequestUrl.substring(1202));
        HttpGet httpget = new HttpGet(lRequestUrl);
        ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
        String responseBody = httpclient.execute(httpget, responseHandler);

        VIPLogger.info(TAG, "contacts response: " + responseBody);
    }catch(Exception e){
        VIPLogger.error(TAG, "error while fetching user contacts");



