
由网友(我有当年你爸追你妈的范儿)分享简介:我知道这可能是一个微不足道的问题,但我只是想知道是否有要求的 Button.PerformClick 而不是直接调用按钮的点击事件。 MSDN文档只是说:I know this might be a trivial question, but I was just wondering whether there...

我知道这可能是一个微不足道的问题,但我只是想知道是否有要求的 Button.PerformClick 而不是直接调用按钮的点击事件。 MSDN文档只是说:

I know this might be a trivial question, but I was just wondering whether there is any advantage of calling Button.PerformClick rather than invoking the click event of a button directly. The MSDN documentation simply says:


Generates a Click event for a button.


Does this mean it simply does the same thing as calling the click event of the button or is there some other special advantage?


这是外部呼叫者谁知道什么订阅事件不能简单地调用click处理程序 - 并且事件不会让你获取有关用户的信息。因此,这种方法可以让关注点分离,使外部呼叫者可以玩好。

An external caller who knows nothing of the subscribed events cannot simply call the click handler - and events do not allow you to obtain information about subscribers. So this method allows separation of concerns, so that external callers can "play nice".


在它保证了在虚拟方法的任何多态性适用 在它适用的规则 - 例如:在按钮禁用

如果您知道有关事件的处理程序,并没有使用多态,和你不在乎它是否被禁用,而你并不需要担心的事件处理程序,你不知道的约 - 然后通过各种手段:只需要调用的事件处理程序方法

If you do know about the event-handler, and you aren't using polymorphism, and you don't care whether it is disabled, and you don't need to worry about event-handlers you don't already know about - then by all means : just call the event-handler method.


