Android的API IsConnected注销后返回TRUEAPI、Android、TRUE、IsConnected

由网友(躲不过爱情躲不过你)分享简介:我正在开发一个游戏为Android使用谷歌玩游戏服务,使用Xamarin。我做用Genymotion Android模拟器我的测试。我遇到了,似乎在任谷歌播放或Xamarin的实现中的错误问题。 I am developing a game for Android using Google Play Game Ser...

我正在开发一个游戏为Android使用谷歌玩游戏服务,使用Xamarin。我做用Genymotion Android模拟器我的测试。我遇到了,似乎在任谷歌播放或Xamarin的实现中的错误问题。

I am developing a game for Android using Google Play Game Services, using Xamarin. I am doing my testing using a Genymotion Android Emulator. I have run into an issue that appears to be a bug in either Google Play or Xamarin's implementation.

如果我签了一个谷歌帐户的,则调用 IGoogleApiClient.IsConnected()继续返回true (即使我有显然刚刚签署了)。如果我再尝试使用该API的对象,我会得到这样的例外:

If I sign out of a Google account, calls to the IGoogleApiClient.IsConnected() continue to return true (even though I have clearly just signed out). If I then attempt to use that API object, I will get exceptions like:


java.lang.SecurityException: Not signed in when calling API


For example, the follow code results in the above exception if executed after signing out:

public void StartNewMatch()
    if (!mGoogleApiClient.IsConnected)

    Intent intent = GamesClass.TurnBasedMultiplayer.GetSelectOpponentsIntent(mGoogleApiClient, 1, 1, true);
    StartActivityForResult(intent, RC_SELECT_PLAYERS);


I am signing out in the Google Play Games Inbox (match picker); as shown in the images below.


Anyone run into this before? Am I missing something? Got any work-arounds?

注意:这种情况只发生,如果注销通过谷歌的用户界面如果我手动登录用户了,有像 mGoogleApiClient.Disconnect(),这个问题不会出现; mGoogleApiClient.IsConnected()现在返回false(如预期)。

Note: This only occurs if signing out through Google's UI. If I manually sign the user out, with something like mGoogleApiClient.Disconnect(), the issue does not occur; mGoogleApiClient.IsConnected() now returns false (as expected).



In order to keep signed-in state synced up you MUST implement onActivityResult properly.



NOTE: this is java code, I am not sure how this will look exactly using Xamarin, but hopefully you should be able to figure it out :)

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int responseCode, Intent data) {

    // check for "inconsistent state"
    if ( responseCode == GamesActivityResultCodes.RESULT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED && requestCode == <your_request_code_here> )  {  

       // force a disconnect to sync up state, ensuring that mClient reports "not connected"


NOTE: just make sure to replace in the code with the request code you used. You may need to check for multiple request codes too.