VS2008针对.NET 2.0不使用C#3的功能阻止我功能、NET

由网友(涐的恏、伱吥配知道)分享简介:我有一个VS2005的解决方案,并希望下车VS2005在新的一年。我主要是高兴的升级过程,并惊喜地看到,我的生成脚本大多仍然工作。I had a VS2005 solution and wanted to get off VS2005 for the new year. I was mostly happy wit...


I had a VS2005 solution and wanted to get off VS2005 for the new year. I was mostly happy with the upgrade process and pleasantly surprised to see that my build scripts mostly still worked.

我的问题是围绕多目标的特点 - 我没有.NET 3.5安装在我的服务器上,所以我必须继续面向.NET 2.0。这工作,主要是,但我发现我可以做这样的事情

My question is around the multi-targeting feature - I don't have .NET 3.5 installed on my servers, so I have to continue to target .NET 2.0. That worked, mostly, but I found that I could do things like

var returnMe = "result: " + result.ToString();


...and still debug the project successfully.


When I got that code up to the build server, the build failed, saying that "var" wasn't defined.


在VS2008,针对.NET 2.0,当我尝试做应该抛出错误C#3事情 在构建服务器,是知道我针对.NET 2.0,应该明白我在做什么和编译的东西到2.0兼容的二进制




The problem appears to be that the build server does not have the right compiler. You can build it on your workstation, right?

很多的.NET 3.0功能只是语法比特恢复到CLR 2 code在编译时。 VAR 就是其中之一 - 当它编译,编译器变种转换为相应类型

Many of the .NET 3.0 "features" are just syntax bits that revert to CLR 2 code at compile time. var is one of them -- when it compiles, the compiler converts var to the appropriate type.


There is a pretty informative post on this at http://weblogs.asp.net/shahar/archive/2008/01/23/use-c-3-features-from-c-2-and-net-2-0-code.aspx


