
由网友(我在原地等你)分享简介:我想知道,如果SNMP是支持的Andr​​oid(2.1)?如果没有,是有可能端口SNMP源为Android?(一些指针PLZ ..)I would like to know if SNMP is supported in Android(2.1)?If it is not available, is it po...

我想知道,如果SNMP是支持的Andr​​oid(2.1)? 如果没有,是有可能端口SNMP源为Android?(一些指针PLZ ..)

I would like to know if SNMP is supported in Android(2.1)? If it is not available, is it possible to port the snmp source for Android?(some pointers plz..)


If it is available, how can I test the presence of it in my device.


谢谢, 森


我知道这是一个非常古老的问题,但我做你问什么。简短的回答是否定的,在默认情况下,SNMP不支持Android 2.1系统。因为它是不可用,我清盘做的是抓住SNMP4J源$ C ​​$ C,并坚持它在Android和制作我自己的图书馆。有图书馆(snmp4android想到的),但我发现它缺少某些类别的我需要的,没有整个snmp4j.agent分支。

I know this is a really old question, but I was doing exactly what you're asking. The short answer is no, by default, SNMP is not supported on android 2.1. Because it isn't available, what I wound up doing was grabbing snmp4j's source code, and sticking it in android and making my own library. There are libraries (snmp4android comes to mind) but I found that it lacked certain classes I needed and did not have the whole snmp4j.agent branch.


There are a few dependencies and a few libraries that android is missing but most of them pertain to the log4j class.


To remedy that, just convert/make the switch to something like slf4j, which is a small logging library that you can include with your application.


I hope that answers some of your initial questions, and I hope this is still relevant even if it is an old question.


