
由网友(妳的冷淡刺痛我的心)分享简介:行,所以我编辑的问题,因为它是不够清楚。编辑2 :更新了JSON文件我使用的Andr​​oid应用程序GSON,我需要解析JSON文件,即来自于一台服务器,是一个有点太配合。我不想让我的对象结构过于沉重,所以我想以简化内容:让我对象的结构不会是JSON文件的结构 例如,如果在JSON我有这样的:{object1:{AT...


编辑2 :更新了JSON文件




我不希望保持我现在的对象结构,对象示例,它包含一个的ArrayList INT 总。不过,我想只保留一个简单的字符串,其值为对象名1,对象名2; ...



 类Foo {
    字符串的例子; //对象名1,对象名2; ...
fastJson JackJson以及Gson序列化对象与get set以及对象属性之间的关系




 类Foo {


我通过了答案present设计的聊天,以适应变化了的JSON字符串的完整的解决方案。在code假定字符串JSON持有的问题完全(更新)JSON。要求是为了填补下面的类(setter方法​​和toString ommitted):



GSON_DOM 通过读取整个JSON JsonParser.parse()并在内存中构建一个DOM树(对象模型的访问)。因此,该解决方案非常适用于小型的JSON文件。 GSON_STREAM 通过 JsonReader 只读取数据块的JSON的。 code是比较复杂的,但它是适用于大型的JSON文件。由于安卓3.0蜂巢,GSON的流媒体分析器是作为 android.util.JsonReader 。 GSON_BIND 通过反射直接数据绑定类,最大限度地减少了code significantely。 GSON允许混合模式,即结合GSON_DOM和GSON_BIND或GSON_STREAM和GSON_BIND这个答案应该显示哪些。



    JSONObject的object1 = parser.parse(JSON).getAsJsonObject()getAsJsonObject(object1)。

    Object1结果= gson.fromJson(object1,Object1.class);

    INT用户id = object1.getAsJsonObject(用户)getAsJsonPrimitive(ID)getAsInt()。

    JsonArray列表= object1.getAsJsonObject(例如)getAsJsonArray(名单)。
    的for(int i = 0; I<则为list.size(); ++ I)
        JSONObject的条目= list.get(我).getAsJsonObject();
        字符串名称= entry.getAsJsonPrimitive(name)的符getAsString()。

        名称=我== 0?名称:姓名+,+姓名;




目前,这是唯一可能当一个节点被完全地通过GSON_BIND或装   GSON_STREAM。这个例子需要一个节点本身应该分裂。这仅仅是   可能与即将推出的2.2版本。我将手在code在后,当   GSON 2.2是可用的。*

Ok so I edited the question because it wasn't clear enough.

Edit 2 : updated the JSON file.

I'm using GSON in an Android app, and I need to parse JSON files, that come from a server, and are a little too complexes. I don't want to have my object structure too heavy, so I would like to simplify the contents : so the structure of my object won't be the structure of the JSON file.

For example, if in the JSON I have this :

        "attribute1" : "test1",
        "attribute40" : "test40",
                "name":"object name 1",
                "name":"object name 10",

I don't want to keep in my current object structure, an object Example, that contains an ArrayList and an int "total". But I would like to keep only a simple String with the value "object name 1;object name 2;...".

Moreover, I would like to store only the user Id, not the complete User, because I already have the complete user stored somewhere else, with an other server API call.

So my class class would be something like :

class Foo{
    int userId;
    String example; //"object name 1;object name 2;..."

So I suppose that we can achieve this with a custom deserializer, but I don't find how. I would like if possible to minimize the memory, so I don't think that having a full object example, and then use it to build my String example is a correct way.

In the worst case, if it's too complicated, I would like to be able to store at least only the list of Tag items when I parse the Example Object : so I need a custom deserializer to get rid off the int total.

So I would have :

class Foo{
    int userId;
    ArrayList<Tag> example;


I adopted the answer to present the full solution designed in chat and to fit to the changed JSON string. The code assumes that the string json holds exactly the (updated) JSON from the question. The requirement is to fill the following class (setter and toString ommitted):

class Object1
    private String attribute1;
    private String attribute40;
    private int userId;
    private String  nameList;

GSON supports (as the most other REST-libs) three modes:

GSON_DOM Reads the whole JSON via JsonParser.parse() and builds a DOM tree in memory (object model access). Therefore this solution is good for small JSON files. GSON_STREAM Reads only chunks of the JSON via JsonReader. Code is more complicated, but it is suited for large JSON files. As of Android 3.0 Honeycomb, GSON's streaming parser is included as android.util.JsonReader. GSON_BIND Databinding directly to classes via reflection, minimizes the code significantely. GSON allows mixed mode, which means to combine GSON_DOM and GSON_BIND or GSON_STREAM and GSON_BIND which this answer should show.

To fill the class Object1 via GSON_DOM and GSON_BIND the implementation looks like:

private static void deserializeViaObjectAccess(final String json)
    Gson gson = new Gson();

    // Read the whole JSON into meomory via GSON_DOM
    JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
    JsonObject object1 = parser.parse(json).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonObject("object1");

    // map the Object1 class via GSON_BIND
    // (bind common attributes which exist in JSON and as properties in the class)
    // mapper acts as factory
    Object1 result = gson.fromJson(object1, Object1.class);

    // manually read the attribute from the user object
    int userId = object1.getAsJsonObject("user").getAsJsonPrimitive("id").getAsInt();

    // manually read the attributes from the example object
    String names = "";
    JsonArray list = object1.getAsJsonObject("example").getAsJsonArray("list");
    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i)
        JsonObject entry = list.get(i).getAsJsonObject();
        String name = entry.getAsJsonPrimitive("name").getAsString();

        names = i == 0 ? name : names + "; " + name;

    // Output the result

To fill the class Object1 via GSON_STREAM and GSON_BIND the implementation looks like:

At the moment, this is only possible when a node is completly loaded via GSON_BIND or GSON_STREAM. This example needs that a node itself should be splitted. This is only possible with the upcoming version 2.2. I will hand the code in later when GSON 2.2 is available.*


