

我加载动态生成的图像,所以我总是希望他们是最新的。但是,他们需要时间来加载,所以我也想显示缓存版本,而更新一个不来的。 我怎样才能做到这一点与通用图像装载机?


如果缓存的图像是否显示它的时候了。 开始从给定的URL反正下载。 当图片加载完成后,在视图中显示它取代了缓存的形象。 更新缓存。 解决方案


onLoadingStarted: 加载启动时检查缓存。

onLoadingComplete: 如果没有找到缓存,然后什么也不做。的请求将被发送到网络和高速缓存将被自然地更新。 否则,清除缓存,并再次呼吁displayImage(没有监听这需要时间)。缓存的图像将显示在通常的观点来。此外,当第二装载完成时,图和高速缓冲存储器将被更新。


                名单<字符串> MEMCACHE = MemoryCacheUtils.findCacheKeysForImageUri(URL,ImageLoader.getInstance()getMemoryCache());
                cacheFound = memCache.isEmpty()!;
                    文件discCache = DiscCacheUtils.findInCache(URL,ImageLoader.getInstance()getDiscCache());
                    如果(discCache!= NULL){
                        cacheFound = discCache.exists();


I'm loading dynamically generated images so I always want them to be up to date. But they take time to load so I also want to display a cached version while the updated one doesn't come. How can I do this with Universal Image Loader?

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More specifically, when I call "displayImage" I want it to do the following:

If a cached image exists display it right away. Start downloading from the given url anyways. When the image loading finishes, display it in the view replacing the cached image. Update the cache.


So in the end I used an ImageLoadingListener as follows:

onLoadingStarted: Check for cache when loading starts.

onLoadingComplete: If no cache was found then do nothing. The request will be sent to network and cache will be updated naturally. Otherwise clear cache and call displayImage again (no listener needed this time). The cached image will be shown in the view normally. Moreover, when the 2nd loading finishes, view and cache will be updated.

ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(imageUri, view, new SimpleImageLoadingListener() {
            boolean cacheFound;

            public void onLoadingStarted(String url, View view) {
                List<String> memCache = MemoryCacheUtils.findCacheKeysForImageUri(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache());
                cacheFound = !memCache.isEmpty();
                if (!cacheFound) {
                    File discCache = DiscCacheUtils.findInCache(url, ImageLoader.getInstance().getDiscCache());
                    if (discCache != null) {
                        cacheFound = discCache.exists();

            public void onLoadingComplete(String imageUri, View view, Bitmap loadedImage) {
                if (cacheFound) {
                    MemoryCacheUtils.removeFromCache(imageUri, ImageLoader.getInstance().getMemoryCache());
                    DiscCacheUtils.removeFromCache(imageUri, ImageLoader.getInstance().getDiscCache());    
                    ImageLoader.getInstance().displayImage(imageUri, (ImageView) view);


