
由网友(快乐 殇芯)分享简介:让我们说你有一类与URI属性。有没有办法让这个属性接受两个字符串值和一个URI?你将如何打造呢?Let's say you have a class with a Uri property. Is there any way to get that property to accept both a string...


Let's say you have a class with a Uri property. Is there any way to get that property to accept both a string value and a Uri? How would you build it?


I'd like to be able to do something like one of the following, but neither are supported (using VB, since it lets you specify type in the Set declaration for the 2nd one):

Class MyClass

    Private _link As Uri

   ''//Option 1: overloaded property
    Public Property Link1 As Uri
            return _link
        End Get
        Set(ByVal value As Uri)
           _link = value
        End Set
    End Property

    Public Property link1 As String
            return _link.ToString()
        End Get
        Set(Byval value As String)
           _link = new Uri(value)
        End Set
   End Property

   ''// Option 2: Overloaded setter
   Public Property link2 As Uri
          return _link
      End Get
      Set(Byval value As Uri)
          _link = value
      End Set
      Set(Byval value As String)
          _link = new Uri(value)
      End Set
End Class

鉴于这些可能不会支持任何时间很快,怎么回事,你会处理这个问题?我在寻找不只是提供了一个额外的 .SetLink(字符串值)法的东西更好一点,我仍然在.Net2.0(不过,如果更高版本有这个一个不错的功能,我想听到的话)。

Given that those probably won't be supported any time soon, how else would you handle this? I'm looking for something a little nicer than just providing an additional .SetLink(string value) method, and I'm still on .Net2.0 (though if later versions have a nice feature for this, I'd like to hear about it).


I can think of other scenarios where you might want to provide this kind of overload: a class with an SqlConnection member that lets you set either a new connection or a new connection string, for example.



Alternatively, you can of course forego overloading and just name the properties appropriately:

Public WriteOnly Property UriString() As String
    Set(ByVal value As String)
        m_Uri = new Uri(value)
    End Set
End Property


Of course you don't have to make this WriteOnly but it seems appropriate.


