Azure的部署不断循环,因为升级2012年6月的SDK 1.7Azure、SDK

由网友(花落人散去)分享简介:我有一个部署的是工作成功previously。从那时起,我已经升级到了2012年6月的SDK,当我部署它不断循环。如果我远程桌面到实例,我可以手动打开应用程序,它运行(死亡的无黄屏),因此必须有一些关于部署。 I have a deployment that was working successfully prev...


I have a deployment that was working successfully previously. Since then I have upgraded to the June 2012 SDK and when I deploy it is continually recycling. If I remote desktop into the instance i can open the application manually and it runs (no yellow screen of death), so there must be something about the deployment.


In the event viewer I see the error:

错误的应用程序WaHostBootstrapper.exe,6.0.6002.18488版本,时间戳0x4fcaabe9,错误模块ntdll.dll中,6.0.6002.18520版本,时间戳0x4e811810,除code 0xc0000008,故障偏移0x00000000000b6ff8,进程ID为0x%9,应用程序开始时间为0x%10。

Faulting application WaHostBootstrapper.exe, version 6.0.6002.18488, time stamp 0x4fcaabe9, faulting module ntdll.dll, version 6.0.6002.18520, time stamp 0x4e811810, exception code 0xc0000008, fault offset 0x00000000000b6ff8, process id 0x%9, application start time 0x%10.

但是,这不是特别有用。我已经完全重新创建云项目的SDK 1.7。这是一个ASP.NET MVC 4 RC应用程序。

But this isn't particularly useful. I have totally recreated the Cloud project with SDK 1.7. It is a ASP.NET MVC 4 RC application.


What can I do to see the exact reason for this error?


根据您的发言我已经完全重新创建云项目的SDK 1.7,它是一个 ASP.NET MVC 4 RC 应用,我不知道,如果1)你真的用MVC4.0 RC位或2)您使用MVC 4.5 BETA位。 MVC 4.0已经发布并安装2012年6月SDK的实际安装ASP.NET MVC 4.0基于云模板和二进制文件,所以你必须使用MVC 4.0版本位的Windows Azure云项目。如果您是使用RC位,这可能是你的第一个问题。

Based on your statement "I have totally recreated the Cloud project with SDK 1.7. It is a ASP.NET MVC 4 RC application.", I am not sure if 1) you are really using MVC4.0 RC bits or 2) you are using MVC 4.5 BETA bits. MVC 4.0 is already released and installing June 2012 SDK actually installs ASP.NET MVC 4.0 based Cloud Template and binaries, so you must be using release bits of MVC 4.0 with Windows Azure Cloud Project. If you are using RC bits, this could be your first problem.

我已经看到在过去完全相同的错误,并说明理由,并在我的博客这样的问题一个潜在的修复: Windows Azure的Web角色错误:错误应用程序WaHostBootstrapper.exe

I have seen the exact same error in past and described the reason and a potential fix for such problem in my blog: Windows Azure Web Role Error: "Faulting application WaHostBootstrapper.exe


I believe your package does not have necessary DLL so please check which DLL are missing in your deployment and redeploy your application to solve this problem.

如果你想运行在Windows Server 2008 R2的默认,你可以修改osFamily = 2你的应用程序还(1:在Windows Server 2008 SP2,2:在Windows Server 2008 R2)在你的 ServiceConfiguration.cscfg 如下配置在部署:

Also if you want to run your application with Windows Server 2008 R2 as default, you can modify osFamily=2 (1:Windows Server 2008 SP2, 2:Windows Server 2008 R2) setting in your ServiceConfiguration.cscfg as below to configure at deployment:


