
由网友(半成品)分享简介:我有一个GridView,我想推出一个不同的意图取决于项目的位置点击。 我已经实例以下的onClick监听器,包括位置值:gridview.setOnItemClickListener(新OnItemClickListener(){公共无效onItemClick(适配器视图<>母公司,视图V,INT位置,长...





 如果位置= 1 {意向意图=新的意图(这一点,Activity1.class); }否则,如果位置= 2 {意向意图=新的意图(这一点,Activity1.class); }

任何建议都大大AP preciated。

/ **  *此活动presents与栅在屏幕上的影像,可以添加和  *搬来搬去。它还定义在画面上的区域,其中拖次能  *被丢弃。反馈提供给用户作为对象拖过  *这些放置区。  *  *

 *就像在DragView例的previous版本DragActivity  *应用程序中,code下面是Android的启动code来源。  *  *

 *原始启动code需要长按(preSS)来启动  *拖放序列。如果你想看到的行为,设置变量  * mLongClickStartsDrag为true。它被设置为低于假,这意味着,任何  *触摸事件开始拖放。  *  * /

View.OnClickListener,View.OnTouchListener //,
// AdapterView.OnItemClickListener

    / **
     * /

    私有静态最终诠释SHOW_TRASHCAN_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 1;
    私有静态最终诠释ADD_OBJECT_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 2;
    私有静态最终诠释CHANGE_TOUCH_MODE_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 3;
    私人布尔isErase = TRUE;

    / **
     * /

    私人的DragController mDragController; //对象处理拖放
    // 序列。它intersacts与
    私人DragLayer mDragLayer; //该的ViewGroup在其中一个对象可以是
    私人DeleteZone mDeleteZone; //用于去除放置目标
    私人诠释mImageCount = 0; //图像的已添加到数
    // 屏幕。
    私人的ImageCell mLastNewCell = NULL; //最后的ImageCell加入到
    私人布尔mLongClickStartsDrag = TRUE; //如果为真,这需要很长

    公共静态最终布尔调试=假; //使用这个看多

    / **
     * /

    / **
     * @参数RESOURCEID
     * int  - 要添加的图像的资源ID
     * /

    公共无效addNewImageToScreen(INT RESOURCEID){
        如果(mLastNewCell!= NULL)

        的FrameLayout imageHolder的=(的FrameLayout)findViewById(R.id.image_source_frame);
        如果(imageHolder的!= NULL){
            FrameLayout.LayoutParams LP =新FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
            的ImageCell NewView的=新的ImageCell(本);
            newView.mEmpty = FALSE;
            newView.mCellNumber = -1;
            mLastNewCell = NewView的;
            mImageCount ++;



    / **
     * 周围。见addImageToScreen。
     * /

        INT RESOURCEID = R.drawable.sqwhite;
        INT M = mImageCount%3;

        如果(米== 1)
            RESOURCEID = R.drawable.sqdrk;

        否则,如果(米== 2)
            RESOURCEID = R.drawable.sqwhite;


        // TODO自动生成方法存根

    // et.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
        } 其他 {
        isErase = isErase!;

    / **
     * /



    / **
     * /


    / **
     *的onCreate  - 被称为第一次创建活动时。
     * /


        TX =(TextView中)findViewById(R.id.textView1);

        GridView控件的GridView =(GridView控件)findViewById(R.id.image_grid_view);

        如果(GridView的== NULL)
        其他 {
            // gridView.setOnItemClickListener(本);

        mDragController =新的DragController(本);
        mDragLayer =(DragLayer)findViewById(R.id.drag_layer);

        // mDragController.addDropTarget(mDragLayer);

        mDeleteZone =(DeleteZone)findViewById(R.id.delete_zon​​e_view);


    / **
     * /




    / **
     * /

        的ImageCell I =(的ImageCell)V;
        跟踪(onItemClick的观点:+ i.mCellNumber);

    / **
     * @参数v
     *            视图
     * @返回布尔值 - 真表示该事件已经被处理
     * /


            //跟踪(onLongClick的观点:+ V +TouchMode的:+
            // v.isInTouchMode());



    / **
     * /

            如果(mDeleteZone!= NULL)
            如果(mDeleteZone!= NULL)
            mLongClickStartsDrag = mLongClickStartsDrag!;
            字符串消息= mLongClickStartsDrag? 更改触摸模式。现在拖上开始长触摸(点击)。


    / **
     * /

    公共布尔onTouch(视图V,MotionEvent EV){

        布尔handledHere = FALSE;

        最终诠释行动= ev.getAction();

        如果(动作== MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN){
            handledHere =的startDrag(V);


    / **
     * /

        DragSource上的DragSource =(DragSource上)V;



    / **
     * @参数味精
     *            串
     * @返回无效
     * /

    } //结束敬酒

    / **
     * 是真的。
     * /


} //结束类
1人撒谎,致4000人隔离 1人隐瞒,68名医务者被隔离 故意传播突发传染病病原体,最高判死刑 武汉




编辑: 它看起来像addNewImageToScreen()是您要添加的ImageCells,所以假设你可以生成该范围的意图。

 意向意图=新的意图(这一点,Activity1.class); //或任何你想要运行
的ImageCell NewView的= ...

然后在您的onItemClick:     公共无效onItemClick(适配器视图父,视图V,INT位置,长的id){         Toast.makeText(HelloGridView.this,+位置,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();         意向意图=(意向)v.getTag();         //现在你可以用你的意图startActivity ..     }

I have a gridView and I'd like to launch a different intent depending on the position of the item clicked.

I've instantiated the following onClick listener which includes the value for position:

gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {
        Toast.makeText(HelloGridView.this, "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

But I believe I'll need to add an if statement within it to determine which intent to launch depending on this position. So far I've come up with the following but I do not believe it is exactly what I'm looking for.

if position = 1 { Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity1.class); }else if position = 2 { Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity1.class); }

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

/** * This activity presents a screen with a grid on which images can be added and * moved around. It also defines areas on the screen where the dragged views can * be dropped. Feedback is provided to the user as the objects are dragged over * these drop zones. * *

* Like the DragActivity in the previous version of the DragView example * application, the code here is derived from the Android Launcher code. * *

* The original Launcher code required a long click (press) to initiate a * drag-drop sequence. If you want to see that behavior, set the variable * mLongClickStartsDrag to true. It is set to false below, which means that any * touch event starts a drag-drop. * */

public class DragActivity extends Activity implements View.OnLongClickListener,
View.OnClickListener, View.OnTouchListener // ,
// AdapterView.OnItemClickListener

    // Constants

    private static final int HIDE_TRASHCAN_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST;
    private static final int SHOW_TRASHCAN_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 1;
    private static final int ADD_OBJECT_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 2;
    private static final int CHANGE_TOUCH_MODE_MENU_ID = Menu.FIRST + 3;
    private boolean isErase = true;
    private EditText et;
    private TextView tx;

    // Variables

    private DragController mDragController; // Object that handles a drag-drop
    // sequence. It intersacts with
    // DragSource and DropTarget
    // objects.
    private DragLayer mDragLayer; // The ViewGroup within which an object can be
    // dragged.
    private DeleteZone mDeleteZone; // A drop target that is used to remove
    // objects from the screen.
    private int mImageCount = 0; // The number of images that have been added to
    // screen.
    private ImageCell mLastNewCell = null; // The last ImageCell added to the
    // screen when Add Image is clicked.
    private boolean mLongClickStartsDrag = true; // If true, it takes a long
    // click to start the drag
    // operation.
    // Otherwise, any touch
    // event starts a drag.

    public static final boolean Debugging = false; // Use this to see extra
    // toast messages.

    // Methods

     * Add a new image so the user can move it around. It shows up in the
     * image_source_frame part of the screen.
     * @param resourceId
     *            int - the resource id of the image to be added

    public void addNewImageToScreen(int resourceId) {
        if (mLastNewCell != null)

        FrameLayout imageHolder = (FrameLayout) findViewById(R.id.image_source_frame);
        if (imageHolder != null) {
            FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp = new FrameLayout.LayoutParams(
                    LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT, LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,
            ImageCell newView = new ImageCell(this);
            imageHolder.addView(newView, lp);
            newView.mEmpty = false;
            newView.mCellNumber = -1;
            mLastNewCell = newView;

            // Have this activity listen to touch and click events for the view.


     * Add one of the images to the screen so the user has a new image to move
     * around. See addImageToScreen.

    public void addNewImageToScreen() {
        int resourceId = R.drawable.sqwhite;
        int m = mImageCount % 3;

        if (m == 1)
            resourceId = R.drawable.sqdrk;

        else if (m == 2)
            resourceId = R.drawable.sqwhite;


    private void addNewTextToScreen() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

    //  et.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);
        if (isErase) {
        } else {
        isErase = !isErase;

     * Handle a click on a view.

    public void onClick(View v) {
        if (mLongClickStartsDrag) {
            // Tell the user that it takes a long click to start dragging.
            //toast("Press and hold to drag an image.");


     * Handle a click of the Add Image button

    public void onClickAddImage(View v) {

     * onCreate - called when the activity is first created.
     * Creates a drag controller and sets up three views so click and long click
     * on the views are sent to this activity. The onLongClick method starts a
     * drag sequence.

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        et = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.editText1);
        tx = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.textView1);

        GridView gridView = (GridView) findViewById(R.id.image_grid_view);

        if (gridView == null)
            toast("Unable to find GridView");
        else {
            gridView.setAdapter(new ImageCellAdapter(this));
            // gridView.setOnItemClickListener (this);

        mDragController = new DragController(this);
        mDragLayer = (DragLayer) findViewById(R.id.drag_layer);

        // mDragController.addDropTarget (mDragLayer);

        mDeleteZone = (DeleteZone) findViewById(R.id.delete_zone_view);

        // Give the user a little guidance.

     * Build a menu for the activity.

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {

        menu.add(0, HIDE_TRASHCAN_MENU_ID, 0, "Hide Trashcan").setShortcut('1',
        menu.add(0, SHOW_TRASHCAN_MENU_ID, 0, "Show Trashcan").setShortcut('2',
        menu.add(0, ADD_OBJECT_MENU_ID, 0, "Add View").setShortcut('9', 'z');
        menu.add(0, CHANGE_TOUCH_MODE_MENU_ID, 0, "Change Touch Mode");

        return true;

     * Handle a click of an item in the grid of cells.

    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {
        ImageCell i = (ImageCell) v;
        trace("onItemClick in view: " + i.mCellNumber);

     * Handle a long click. If mLongClick only is true, this will be the only
     * way to start a drag operation.
     * @param v
     *            View
     * @return boolean - true indicates that the event was handled

    public boolean onLongClick(View v) {
        if (mLongClickStartsDrag) {

            // trace ("onLongClick in view: " + v + " touchMode: " +
            // v.isInTouchMode ());

            // Make sure the drag was started by a long press as opposed to a
            // long click.
            // (Note: I got this from the Workspace object in the Android
            // Launcher code.
            // I think it is here to ensure that the device is still in touch
            // mode as we start the drag operation.)
            if (!v.isInTouchMode()) {
                toast("isInTouchMode returned false. Try touching the view again.");
                return false;
            return startDrag(v);

        // If we get here, return false to indicate that we have not taken care
        // of the event.
        return false;

     * Perform an action in response to a menu item being clicked.

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        switch (item.getItemId()) {
            if (mDeleteZone != null)
            return true;
            if (mDeleteZone != null)
            return true;
        case ADD_OBJECT_MENU_ID:
            // Add a new object to the screen;
            return true;
            mLongClickStartsDrag = !mLongClickStartsDrag;
            String message = mLongClickStartsDrag ? "Changed touch mode. Drag now starts on long touch (click)."
                    : "Changed touch mode. Drag now starts on touch (click).";
            Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG)
            return true;

        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

     * This is the starting point for a drag operation if mLongClickStartsDrag
     * is false. It looks for the down event that gets generated when a user
     * touches the screen. Only that initiates the drag-drop sequence.

    public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) {
        // If we are configured to start only on a long click, we are not going
        // to handle any events here.
        if (mLongClickStartsDrag)
            return false;

        boolean handledHere = false;

        final int action = ev.getAction();

        // In the situation where a long click is not needed to initiate a drag,
        // simply start on the down event.
        if (action == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) {
            handledHere = startDrag(v);

        return handledHere;

     * Start dragging a view.

    public boolean startDrag(View v) {
        DragSource dragSource = (DragSource) v;

        // We are starting a drag. Let the DragController handle it.
        mDragController.startDrag(v, dragSource, dragSource,

        return true;

     * Show a string on the screen via Toast.
     * @param msg
     *            String
     * @return void

    public void toast(String msg) {
        Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), msg, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    } // end toast

     * Send a message to the debug log. Also display it using Toast if Debugging
     * is true.

    public void trace(String msg) {
        Log.d("DragActivity", msg);
        if (!Debugging)

} // end class


from the android documentation for GridView:

gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {
        Toast.makeText(HelloGridView.this, "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

edit: It looks like the addNewImageToScreen() is where you are adding the ImageCells, so assuming that you can generate the intent in that scope..

Intent intent = new Intent(this, Activity1.class); // or whatever you want to run
ImageCell newView = ...
newView.setTag( intent );

then in your onItemClick: public void onItemClick(AdapterView parent, View v, int position, long id) { Toast.makeText(HelloGridView.this, "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Intent intent = (Intent) v.getTag(); // now you can startActivity with your intent.. }


