
由网友(感谢相遇)分享简介:我想了解一个APK安装在机器人的过程中,特别是通过ADB是Android SDK模拟器安装(我在哪里测试)。I am trying to understand the process of how an apk is installed on Android, specifically the Android SDK...

我想了解一个APK安装在机器人的过程中,特别是通过ADB是Android SDK模拟器安装(我在哪里测试)。

I am trying to understand the process of how an apk is installed on Android, specifically the Android SDK emulator via adb install (where i am testing).


In searching I have found no satisfactory answer outside of "the apk is simply copied to /data/app and is installed when you run it. This is not satisfactory to me as it does not explain how the apk's icon appears on the menu amongst other issues.


Coming from a Windows background, running an .exe or installer to install a program modifies registries, files, services, etc.... I need to understand if this or something similar occurrs when an apk is installed on Android.

因此​​,如果任何人都可以向我解释,特别是当一个APK安装在Android上,我将不胜AP preciate是什么occurrs。

So if anyone can explain to me what occurrs specifically when an apk is installed on Android I would greatly appreciate it.


On a side note I would also like to know if the Dalvik VM "zygote" is involved in the installation or does it occur at the lower linux kernel level?


My ultimate goal here is to use strace to caputer the installation process of an apk to document system modifications, file creations, network activity and other events of interest.


这是你需要知道的一切是这样的http://developer.android.com/tools/building/index.html并明白这里是形象要好。 你也可以google一下AAPT工具,.dex了解更多,因为classes.dex是您的应用程序的子结构 - 包含Java和类编译。一个DEX文件包含与之相对应的只包含一个类Java类文件多类。 DEX文件是Java字节code转换与DX的工具,它是Android SDK中的一个组成部分。作为该结果,它允许每个应用程序,以作为它自己的进程与自己的Dalvik虚拟机的实例中运行。

Everything that you need to know is this http://developer.android.com/tools/building/index.html and to understand here is image better. You can also google about aapt tool and .dex to understand more because classes.dex is the substruction of your application - contains the java and classes compiled. One dex file contains multiple classes as opposed to java class file which contain only that one class. dex file is java bytecode converted with DX tool which is integral part of Android SDK. As a result of that, it allows every application to run as its own process with its own instance of the Dalvik virtual machine.


