
由网友(盼星.)分享简介:我开发了接收通过XMPP推送通知的应用程序(我知道C2DM,但它有一定的局限性,我不能用的,因为它),问题是,经过一段时间是垃圾回收的连接和我不能发送推送通知到Android设备。I'm developing an application that receives push notifications via XM...


I'm developing an application that receives push notifications via XMPP ( I know C2DM, but it has some limitations and I can't use because of it ), the problem is the connection that after some time is garbage collected and I can't send push notification to the Android device.

我想我需要实现一个Android服务,但我不知道如何实现,将保持连接活动的服务。 有人可以帮我?

I think I need to implement an Android service but I have no idea how to implement a service that would keep the connection alive. Somebody could help me?



I am not sure if "garbage collected" is the right term here. It is more likely that your activity simply gets closed by Android, because you create the connection in an Activity.


But you are right, in order to keep a stable connection you need to put the XMPP connection into a Service. But make sure that the connection is in an extra thread, because a service for itself is not a extra process or thread. This could be done, for example with an Handler.

HandlerThread thread = new HandlerThread(SERVICE_THREAD_NAME);
handlerThreadId = thread.getId();
serviceLooper = thread.getLooper();
serviceHandler = new ServiceHandler(serviceLooper);


您也可以对别人是如何做到这一点看看:里奇 - 毕姆和的 GTalkSMS 是实现与Android的服务的XMPP连接这两个开源项目。 GTalkSMS使用IntentService方法,而里奇 - 毕姆使用了Binder与XmppConnection通信。

You could also have a look on how others do this: Beem and GTalkSMS are both open source projects that implement an XMPP connection with an Android service. GTalkSMS uses the IntentService approach, whereas Beem uses an Binder to communicate with the XmppConnection.


Note that we achive a pretty stable connection with GTalkSMS, but it's never so good as the stock GTalk Service/Client. One reason is that smacks default keep-alive check timer is 5 minutes, which is way to often for a mobile device when you want to save as much battery as possible. So I had to set it to a higher value, which comes with some drawbacks. You will always have a trade-off between a fast, responsive and stable connection vs. battery life when it comes to this.


