" appcompat_v7"项目在Eclipse中创建一个新项目后automaticaly创建创建一个、新项目、项目、QUOT

由网友(辣条小王子)分享简介:在创建任何新的Andr​​oid项目后,Eclipse将自动创建一个appcompat_v7项目,而不在/ src目录的任何文件。我不知道如何或为何Eclipse正在创建这个项目。我也得到一个奇怪的错误。 After creating any new android project, Eclipse automati...

在创建任何新的Andr​​oid项目后,Eclipse将自动创建一个appcompat_v7项目,而不在/ src目录的任何文件。我不知道如何或为何Eclipse正在创建这个项目。我也得到一个奇怪的错误。

After creating any new android project, Eclipse automatically creates a "appcompat_v7" project without any files under /src. I have no idea how or why Eclipse is creating this project. I am also getting a weird error.


As you can see the AndroidManifest.xml exists in the project!


After cleaning the project the weird error was gone, but I'd still like to know why the appcompat_v7 is created.

EDIT2:我也注意到了Eclipse会自动创建一个新的布局,fragment_main.xml,下/ RES /布局。为什么??

I also noticed that Eclipse is automatically creating a new layout, fragment_main.xml, under /res/layout. WHY??


I have created a new Workspace, and tried it several times. But I still have this problem.

EDIT3:如果你的API 14后选择了最低的SDK版本,你不会得到这种支持文件夹

If you choose the minimum SDK version after API 14 you won't get this support folder.


我就遇到了这个问题,最后一晚。我在做几件事情,包括更新的SDK管理器。我不得不后退了 Android的SDK工具启示录22.3和的Andr​​oid SDK平台工具以19

I ran into this problem last night. I was doing several things including updating the SDK manager. I had to back off the Android SDK Tools to Rev. 22.3 and Android SDK Platform-tools to 19.



