
由网友(时间的流逝)分享简介:我正在写需要相同的曝光,无论环境光的相机应用。不幸的是,setExposureCompensation()仅就像一个偏移量。我可以关闭这个自动调整,或者这更多的是pre-用户的硬件校正?I'm writing a camera application that requires the same exposure r...


I'm writing a camera application that requires the same exposure regardless of ambient light. Unfortunately, setExposureCompensation() only acts like an offset. Can I turn off this auto adjustment, or is this more of a pre-user hardware correction?


编辑:那么,对于Android 4.0及以上,有一个 setAutoExposureLock(布尔) 认为应该为你所需要的。它不会让你自己设定的曝光,但曝光后决定,可以将其锁定到其当前的曝光。你需要与 isAutoExposureLockSupported检查(),不过,为了确保设备支持该功能保护它。

So, for Android 4.0 and above, there is a setAutoExposureLock(boolean) that should work for what you need. It doesn't let you set the exposure yourself, but after the exposure is determined, you can lock it into its current exposure. You need to guard it with a check for isAutoExposureLockSupported(), though, to make sure the device supports that feature.


To get the same actual exposure every time, you'd need to be able to set a fixed ISO, shutter speed, and aperture. As you said, the exposure compensation only offsets from the metered exposure, which the camera determines automatically. To my knowledge, there's no built in way to set the ISO, the shutter speed, or the aperture values in Android.


