
由网友(醉态萌生)分享简介:我一直在试图建立我的Andr​​oid整天没有成功,开始我的发展教训。我已经安装了的Java JDK套件和我想要安装Android SDK,但是这是我不断收到错误全天:I have been trying to set up my android to begin my development lessons all...

我一直在试图建立我的Andr​​oid整天没有成功,开始我的发展教训。我已经安装了的Java JDK套件和我想要安装Android SDK,但是这是我不断收到错误全天:

I have been trying to set up my android to begin my development lessons all day without success. I have installed the Java JDK kit and I'm trying to install the android sdk but this is the error I keep getting all day:

"failed to find java version for 'C:windowssystem32java.exe':[2] The system cannot find the specified file.

我安装的Java版本是 jdk1.7.0_03 。我已经到环境变量和添加的路径到java文件( C: Program Files文件的Java jdk1.7.0_03 斌 C: Program Files文件的Java jdk1.7.0_03 斌 javac的),我仍然得到同样的错误。 Android SDK的版本,我想安装的installer_r18-windows.exe后。有人可以帮我吗?

The Java version I installed is jdk1.7.0_03. I have gone to the environment variables and added the path to the java file (C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_03bin and C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_03binjavac) and I still get the same error. The android sdk version I am trying to install is "installer_r18-windows.exe". Can someone help me?



The problem is there are two Java files and the installer picks the first one that it finds; The solution, however, is simple:

改名 C:以 WINDOWS SYSTEM 的java.exe C: WINDOWS SYSTEM java.exe.orj ,然后重新启动安装​​程序,一切都应该罚款。

rename c:windowssystemjava.exe to c:windowssystemjava.exe.orj, then restart the installer, and everything should be fine.

现在将使用的java.exe安装在Program Files文件 Java的替代版本,它解决了问题。

It will now use the version of java.exe installed in Program FilesJava instead which solves the issue.


