Android的 - 流相机RTMP流相机、Android、RTMP

由网友(灰太狼我给你羊你教我坚强)分享简介:我想从Android设备捕捉摄像头流,并将其传输到与RTMP服务器(服务器的退出我的控制)。我还没有想出但如何从相机本身的数据流,但这是以后的问题。 I want to capture the camera stream from an Android device and stream it to a server...


I want to capture the camera stream from an Android device and stream it to a server with RTMP (the server is out of my control). I have not figured out yet how to create a stream of data from the camera itself, but that is for a later concern.

目前有两个问题:我想支持API 9+和RTMP是不是原生搭载Android支持

At the moment there are two problems: I wish to support API 9+ and RTMP is not native supported by Android.

我已经采取环顾四周,发现这个SO发布Streaming RTMP流过,从Android摄像头,以柔性制造系统或Wowza或Red5的 - 转换视频输入流RTMP 和的https:/ / 。前者建议库有很少或几乎没有文档。后者的大概的支持它(?),但它需要的API 14 +

I've taken a look around and found this SO post Streaming RTMP stream live from Android Camera to FMS or Wowza or Red5 - Convert video Input Stream to RTMP and The former suggested a library that has little to no documentation. The latter probably supports it (?), but it requires API 14+.


Are there decent examples or libraries out there, that that supports RTMP streaming from an Android device? I've also read something about converting RTSP or FFMPEG, if that is a viable way then I guess it will suffice too.

我发现这个库(它有很多相似性上面提到的)并试图与合作。我在Android的工作室进口,并写了一些code,但它似乎有一个 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError的RTSP codeC厂错误内部崩溃。因此很明显,这并不在Android上工作也很好。

I've found this library (It has a lot of resemblance to the one mentioned above) and tried to work with. I imported it in Android Studio and wrote some code, but it appears to crash internally with a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError RTSP Codec Factory error. So apparently that doesn't work too well on Android.

另外,我以前遇到过好几次的Adobe AIR。我不想code在行动脚本3(AS3),因为这个库将仅仅是一个本机应用程序(小)的一部分。如果没有Adobe Air拥有它,我不知道一个图书馆,那么我会愉快地整合,如果这是可能的。

Also, I've encountered several times Adobe air. I do not want to code in Action Script 3 (AS3) as this library will just be a (small) part of a native app. If Adobe Air has a library which I am unaware of, then I would happily integrate it if that is possible.



In the accepted answer of the question you linked someone suggests using JavaCV.

它需要API 8或更高版本,并配有 FFmpegFrameRecorder 类。

It requires API 8 or newer and features a FFmpegFrameRecorder class.


Link to github:

他们甚至有捕获FLV(这是相当大的,所以我会在这里不糊)的全样本: /

They even have a full sample of capturing flv (it's rather large so I won't paste it here):


In your case you probably need to replace:

private String ffmpeg_link = "/mnt/sdcard/stream.flv";

private String ffmpeg_link = "rtmp://<server>:<port>/stream";

