
由网友(不哭不闹面带微笑〃)分享简介:任何人都知道从哪里得到编译。所以FFMPEG库为Android?Anybody knows from where to get compiled .so FFMPEG library for Android?我试了遍万在Windows 7使用的是Android NDK手动编译FFMPEG但从来没有成功过。I t...


Anybody knows from where to get compiled .so FFMPEG library for Android?

我试了遍万在Windows 7使用的是Android NDK手动编译FFMPEG 但从来没有成功过。

I tried thousand of times to compile the FFMPEG manually on windows-7 using Android NDK but never succeeded.

所以,我认为这是更好地使用precompiled LIB因为我已经使用了使用在相同的同一施工技术的: https://github.com/guardianproject/SSCVideoProto

So I think it's better to use precompiled lib as I'm already using the same same technolgy that used in: https://github.com/guardianproject/SSCVideoProto


But the ffmpeg lib in this project is very old.

任何帮助是非常AP preciated .......

Any help is much appreciated.......


它始建于的ffmpeg 2.0 自从有了集成的Andr​​oid NDK,R9B 下载prebuilt *。所以

It was built to ffmpeg 2.0 since integrate with android-ndk-r9b Download the prebuilt *.so.

设置* .so文件

1 - 添加文件夹JNI /库/ *这样

1 - Add folder jni/libs/*.so

2 - 使用右击鼠标 - > Android的工具 - >添加原生支持 - >文件*的.cpp组名称

2 - Use "Right-click mouse" -> Android Tools -> Add native support -> Set name of file *.cpp

3 - 两个文件:*的.cpp和Android.mk出现

3 - Two files : *.cpp and Android.mk appeared.

4 - 使用Cygwin建立和放大器;编译*。所以到项目中。

4 - Use Cygwin to build & compile *.so into the project.

How加载另一个.so文件在你的Andr​​oid项目? 。

@Sanket EXCUTE命令首先需要之前传输参数到C ++的方法知道这一点:

@Sanket Excute command need know this first before transfer parameters to the C++ method :

Calling下在C ++从Java文件fil​​e ++方法


