是否有可能URL参数传递给谷歌打? (通过查询字符串)有可能、字符串、参数、URL

由网友(每一段路都是一种领悟)分享简介:是否有可能通过URL参数(或查询字符串)添加到Google Play以及安装在手机中的应用程序跟踪变量?Is it possible to pass url parameters (or "query strings") to google play and track the variable while inst...

是否有可能通过URL参数(或查询字符串)添加到Google Play以及安装在手机中的应用程序跟踪变量?

Is it possible to pass url parameters (or "query strings") to google play and track the variable while installing the app in phone?




How Google Play Campaign Measurement works


Google Play Store Campaign Measurement relies on the use of Campaign Parameters to pass campaign and traffic source information into your app at the time that it is downloaded from the Google Play Store.


The following is an end-to-end description of how Google Play Campaign Measurement works:

一个用户点击一个链接时,从广告,网站或应用程序,将他们带到你的应用程序的谷歌Play商店页面。该链接将被标记为活动参数。 当用户下载并安装你的应用程序中,谷歌Play商店将播出,其中包括那些相同的运动参数在设备上INSTALL_REFERRER意图。 您的应用程序,然后将响应这一意图,通过以下的BroadcastReceiver对象提供,读书运动参数,并使用它们更新谷歌Analytics(分析)活动信息。

A user clicks on a link, from an ad, website, or app, that takes them to your app's Google Play Store page. The link is tagged with Campaign Parameters. After the user downloads and installs your app, the Google Play Store will broadcast an INSTALL_REFERRER intent on the device that includes those same campaign parameters. Your app will then respond to that intent, using the BroadcastReceiver object provided below, reading the campaign parameters and using them to update the Google Analytics campaign information.


