
由网友(浅巷墨漓)分享简介:我还是新到Android所以我不完全熟悉所有的视图组件。我挣扎着一圈动态调整按钮。I'm still new to android so I'm not totally familiar with all the view components.I'm struggling with aligning Butto...

我还是新到Android所以我不完全熟悉所有的视图组件。 我挣扎着一圈动态调整按钮。

I'm still new to android so I'm not totally familiar with all the view components. I'm struggling with aligning Buttons dynamically around a circle.

我所试图实现的是加入正按钮(n可以在创建时更改),以一种观点认为,看起来像连接图像(https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230905/2296.png.jpg)。我想避免使用absoluteLayout(但我愿意接受建议如果这是解决这个问题的唯一途径)。 我已经想出了一个计算的按钮的X / Y位置(忽略按钮的大小现在):

What I am trying to achieve is to add n buttons (n can change at creation time) to a view that looks like the attached image (https://p.xsw88.cn/allimgs/daicuo/20230905/2296.png.jpg). I'd like to avoid using absoluteLayout (but I'm open to suggestions if that's the only way to solve it). I already came up with a calculation for the x/y positions for the buttons (ignoring button size for now):

int iNumberOfButtons = 10;
double dIncrease = Math.PI * 2 / iNumberOfButtons,
    dAngle = 0,
        x = 0,
        y = 0;

  for( int i = 0; i < iNumberOfButtons; i++ )
    x = 100 * Math.cos( dAngle ) + 200;
    y = 100 * Math.sin( dAngle ) + 200;
    dAngle += dIncrease;
    // get button and set position?


I thought about using this code from inside a custom view but from what I've seen the view needs to be subclassed from ViewGroup to have the addView method and then again only absoluteLayout seems to allow setting x, y positions... I'm at a loss how to implement this feature.


I might add some animations to that view later on, so using SurfaceView might be nice if it's possible but it's not a requirement.



I think I found the solution I tried to achieve.


I create my own view subclassing RelativeLayout. In onCreate() I set


这样的OnDraw()被调用。 然后,我继续的OnDraw():

so that onDraw() gets called. I then continue in onDraw():

int iHeight = getHeight();
int iWidth = getWidth();
int iNumberOfButtons = 10;
double dIncrease = Math.PI * 2 / iNumberOfButtons,
       dAngle = 0,
       x = 0,
       y = 0;

  for( int i = 0; i < iNumberOfButtons; i++ )
    x = 200 * Math.cos( dAngle ) + iWidth/2;
    y = 200 * Math.sin( dAngle ) + iHeight/2;
    dAngle += dIncrease;
    Button xButton = new Button(m_xContext);
    LayoutParams xParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams)xButton.getLayoutParams();
    if( xParams == null )
      xParams = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams( xButton.getBackground().getIntrinsicWidth(), xButton.getBackground().getIntrinsicHeight() );
    xParams.leftMargin = (int)x - ( xButton.getBackground().getIntrinsicWidth() / 2 ) ;
    xParams.topMargin =  (int)y - ( xButton.getBackground().getIntrinsicHeight() / 2 );
    addView( xButton, xParams );


This gives me the desired result, however the initializing of the LayoutParams feels (and most likely is) wrong. Is there a better way to do this?


