
由网友(志在飞翔)分享简介:有谁知道如何提供自己的LocationProvider并将其发布到系统中,所以其他应用程序可以获取从LocationManager一个参考吧?Does anyone know how to provide your own LocationProvider and publish it to the system,...

有谁知道如何提供自己的LocationProvider并将其发布到系统中, 所以其他应用程序可以获取从LocationManager一个参考吧?

Does anyone know how to provide your own LocationProvider and publish it to the system, so other apps may fetch a reference to it from the LocationManager?



For development and testing purposes you can implement a mock location provider. You need to enable "Allow mock locations" in developer options in order for applications to see locations from that provider.

对于code例子,看看GPX回放: https://github.com/johncarpenter/Android-GPX-Mock-Location-Provider

For a code example, look at GPX Playback: https://github.com/johncarpenter/Android-GPX-Mock-Location-Provider

在code登记位置提供启动文件的203行 安卓/ src目录/ COM / twolinessoftware /安卓/ PlaybackService.java

The code for registering the location provider starts in line 203 of file android/src/com/twolinessoftware/android/PlaybackService.java.


If you want a "real" location provider (e.g. to deploy your functionality as part of an end-user application), some sources say it cannot be done unless that provider is in a package signed with the system key, so you'd have to build your own ROM from source, sign it with your key, sign your location provider with the same key and install both on your phone.


However, Android at some point introduced "unbundled" location providers. Apparently they needed that in order to move their own NetworkLocationProvider from the Android core into the Google Apps package.

我还没有看到一个未捆绑的位置提供在实践工作尚未我不使用它知道任何开源$ C ​​$ C,但它看起来像最新版本的Andr​​oid有售后位置提供支持

I haven't seen an unbundled location provider working in practice yet and I'm not aware of any open-source code using it, but it looks like recent version of Android have support for "aftermarket" location providers.

来源$ C ​​$ c代表各自的图书馆是 https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/tree/cm-10.1/location/lib

Source code for the respective library is at https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base/tree/cm-10.1/location/lib

一个位置,供应商将不得不延长 com.android.location.provider.LocationProviderBase

A location provider would have to extend com.android.location.provider.LocationProviderBase.


Classes and methods are documented in the code.

编辑:纵观 https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml 起始于线607,它看起来像保护级别 INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER 权限 signatureOrSystem 。这意味着任何应用程序,它使用此功能(即安装位置提供,不一定是locaion提供者本身),要么需要以相同的密钥为平台签署(这需要你从源代码构建一个完整的Andr​​oid系统)或者安装为系统应用程序(这可能工作植根设备)。

Looking at https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml starting at line 607, it looks like the protection level for the INSTALL_LOCATION_PROVIDER permission is signatureOrSystem. This means that any app which uses this feature (i.e. installs a location provider, not necessarily the locaion provider itself) would either need to be signed with the same key as the platform (which would require you to build your entire Android system from source) or be installed as a system application (which might work on rooted devices).

有一些code在 https://github.com/microg/NetworkLocation 这似乎实现一个LocationProvider。我没有看它的细节(还)或建造它,所以我不能说,如果它的工作原理是什么requierd它。但也许它提供了一些三分球。

There is some code at https://github.com/microg/NetworkLocation which seems to implement a LocationProvider. I haven't looked at it in detail (yet) or built it, so I cannot say if it works and what is requierd for it. But maybe it provides some pointers.


