
由网友(爱你得死撑)分享简介:从内我要检查存储每个用户的HKCU注册表区域内的一些用户preferences一个窗口服务。我怎样才能做到这一点?From within a windows service I want to check some user preferences that are stored within each users'...


From within a windows service I want to check some user preferences that are stored within each users' HKCU registry area. How can I do this?


I see that HKEY_USERS has subkeys of each user that has logged in to the machine (or something like that?), and within these are the HKCU areas for each user. However, these subkeys are the SIDs of the users, so somehow I'd need to work out the SID of the currently logged in user(s).

然后,我会查询 HKEY_USERS <保证用户的SID> 取其键 I 需到位查询的 HKEY_CURRENT_USER 为准键 I 需

I would then query HKEY_USERS<the users SID>whicheverkeyineed in place of querying HKEY_CURRENT_USERwhicheverkeyineed.


From this question I can get a list of the current users on the machine in DOMAINUSER format. Is there a way to get the SID of a user from their windows login? Or is there a more direct way to get the registry path that is HKCU for the currently logged in user(s)?



Here's an example of converting a username to SID: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1040623/convert-a-username-to-a-sid-string-in-c-net


