
由网友(只因那时年少)分享简介:我试图加载在Visual Studio 2013的解决方案,但我收到此消息:I am trying to load a solution in Visual Studio 2013 but I am receiving this message:当我点击确定它显示另一条错误消息:When I click OK it...

我试图加载在Visual Studio 2013的解决方案,但我收到此消息:

I am trying to load a solution in Visual Studio 2013 but I am receiving this message:


When I click OK it shows another error message:

试图重新定位该项目已被取消。需要   组件WindowsBase','presentationCore','presentationFramework   中缺少目标框架。

Attempted re-targeting of the project has been canceled. Required assemblies 'WindowsBase', 'PresentationCore', 'PresentationFramework' are missing from the target framework.

我已经安装了所有的.NET Framework(我运行Windows 10),我已经尝试过在.NET Framework修复工具(的 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2698555 )。

I have all .NET Framework installed (I am running Windows 10) and I already tried the .NET Framework Repair Tool (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2698555).


你能不能用记事本打开并更改.NET版本到该项目文件,并尝试加载它在VS 2013

Can you open that project file in notepad and change .net version to and try loading it in VS 2013


