
由网友(麦香)分享简介:我打算在提高我的SQLite的实现 - 目前,活动正在打开的SQLite数据库时,他们需要一些相关的数据,然后关闭它。闭DB是重要,以避免异常。I'm planning on improving my SQLite implementation - currently, activities are opening...

我打算在提高我的SQLite的实现 - 目前,活动正在打开的SQLite数据库时,他们需要一些相关的数据,然后关闭它。闭DB是重要,以避免异常。

I'm planning on improving my SQLite implementation - currently, activities are opening the SQLite DB whenever they need some relevant data, then closing it. Closing the DB is important to avoid exceptions.



thread-safe access to an applications' SQLite DB



What I thought I would do is implement some kind of "Manager" class instead of my basic "SQLhelper" class. I want synchronous operation so that rules out implementing it as a service with messages.


I think the best way to implement this "SQLiteManager" is as a singleton.



第1步 - 扩展了应用程序类

import android.app.Application;
import android.content.Context;

 * This class is created automatically when the app launches.
 * It is used to provide an application-level context for the SQLiteOpenHelper
public class ApplicationContext extends Application

    private static ApplicationContext instance;

    public ApplicationContext()
        instance = this;

    public static Context getContext()
        return instance;


第2步 - 更新清单,使这个应用程序类是用来

<application android:name="ApplicationContext"

第3步 - 建立单SQLdataHelper到您的应用程序

public class SQLdataHelper
    //for logging
    private final String TAG = this.getClass().getSimpleName();

    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "my.db";
    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;//initial version

    private static final String TABLE_NAME_A = "exampleOneTable";

    private DatabaseHelper mDBhelper;
    private SQLiteDatabase mDB;

    private static final SQLdataHelper instance = new SQLdataHelper();

    private SQLdataHelper()
        final DatabaseHelper dbHelper = new DatabaseHelper(ApplicationContext.getContext());

        //open the DB for read and write
        mDB = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase();

    public static SQLdataHelper getInstance()
        return instance;

     *  INSERT FUNCTIONS consisting of "synchronized" methods 
    public synchronized long insertTableA(String myName, int myAge)
        Long lValueToReturn;

        //organize the data to store as key/value pairs
        ContentValues kvPairs = new ContentValues();
        kvPairs.put("ColumnOne", myName);
        kvPairs.put("ColumnTwo", myAge);

        lValueToReturn = mDB.insert(TABLE_NAME_A, null, kvPairs);

        return lValueToReturn;

    private static class DatabaseHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper

        DatabaseHelper(Context context)
            super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

        //this is called for first time db is created.
        // put all CREATE TABLE here
        public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db)
            db.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE "
                       + TABLE_NAME_A 
                       + " ("
                       + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,"
                       + "ColumnOne TEXT,"
                       + "ColumnTwo TEXT"
                       + ")" );

        //this is called when an existing user updates to a newer version of the app
        // add CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE here
        public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion)

            //update SQL DB with new columns depending on old version
            // also add new tables
            //NOTE: whatever is done here must also go into onCreate() so that new users get the correct db created
            case 1:
//EXAMPLE         db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME_A + " ADD COLUMN ColumnThree INTEGER;");

                 //don't use a break. for next case simply let them run together to update all the way to latest version
                 //This way, the case just represents a starting point to start updating.

            case 2:
//EXAMPLE         db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE " + TABLE_NAME_A + " ADD COLUMN ColumnFour INTEGER;");


//this code drops the table and will create a fresh one. Note all data lost!
//          db.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE_NAME_C);
//          onCreate(db);




I've only included one example insert operation. Add more as you need them and simply make sure they are 'synchronized' methods.

第4步 - 使用SQLdataHelper在您的活动

    SQLdataHelper mDataHelper = SQLdataHelper.getInstance();
    mDataHelper.insertTableA("Someone", 100);

