
由网友(跳跳糖)分享简介:我有一个使用动作栏和导航抽屉的活动有许多碎片。它使回家了。我已经实现正确的逻辑,只有顶层的片段显示操作栏中抽屉切换图标,其他的片段显示箭头。我所取得的:I have an activity with many fragments that uses action bar and navigation drawer....


I have an activity with many fragments that uses action bar and navigation drawer. It has "home as up" enabled. I have implemented proper logic that only top level fragments show action bar drawer toggle icon, other fragments show up arrow. I achieved this by:

mDrawerLayout.setDrawerLockMode(DrawerLayout.LOCK_MODE_LOCKED_CLOSED, mDrawerList);


Now old v4 support library ActionBarDrawerToggle became deprecated. I've switched to v7 version together with new Toolbar to get Material Design look. After that when drawer is open "up" arrow is correctly displayed, but when the above-mentioned code is executed it disappears completely.


Is it a bug in support library or I have to do something different to show "up" arrow instead of drawer indicator?


您是否尝试过使用 getV7DrawerToggleDelegate()获取主题了指标。getThemeUpIndicator()后设置禁用指标呢?

Have you tried to get themed up indicator using getV7DrawerToggleDelegate().getThemeUpIndicator () and set it after you disable the indicator?

由于当指示器被禁用 ActionBarDrawerToggle 试图设置previous指标。

Because when the indicator is disabled ActionBarDrawerToggle tries to set the previous indicator.

ActionBarDrawerToggle 来源:

public void setDrawerIndicatorEnabled(boolean enable) {
    if (enable != mDrawerIndicatorEnabled) {
        if (enable) {
            setActionBarUpIndicator((Drawable) mSlider,
                    mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(GravityCompat.START) ?
                            mCloseDrawerContentDescRes : mOpenDrawerContentDescRes);
        } else {
            setActionBarUpIndicator(mHomeAsUpIndicator, 0);
        mDrawerIndicatorEnabled = enable;


由于 ActionBarActivity 的德precation,你应该使用 getDrawerToggleDelegate()。getThemeUpIndicator()

As of deprecation of ActionBarActivity, you should use getDrawerToggleDelegate().getThemeUpIndicator ()


