
由网友(迩是我的魔咒 ▲)分享简介:我要开发定制的状态栏。我知道我不是唯一一个有此要求。但还是想知道的意见。I want to develop customized StatusBar. I know i am not the only one with this requirement. But still want to know the opin...


I want to develop customized StatusBar. I know i am not the only one with this requirement. But still want to know the opinions.

很多搜索在计算器后,我发现,人们 使用修改的状态栏的工具,但那不是我所需要的。

After lot of search on StackOverflow, i found that people have modified status bar using tools but thats not i need.

我有点寻找到我自己的状态发展的方向 酒吧用我自己的品牌的系统图标和布点。

I am bit looking into the direction of developing of my own Status Bar with my own branding and layouting of the system icons.

此外,我看到的谷歌Play商店大约有喜欢的欧米茄状态栏和夫妇更多。我在寻找相同的实现。 我还了解到,这类应用程序都安装在非root权限的设备,我需要的方式,采用的是禁用或修改状态栏权限。

Also i have seen on Google play store about having a customized status bar app like omega status bar and couple more. I am looking for the same implementation. I also learnt that these kind of apps are installed on non-rooted device, the way i need and uses a "DISABLE OR MODIFY STATUS BAR" permission.


I also have created some basic layout for status bar but don't know how to proceed further in making my status bar app and overriding the default status bar (Systemui.apk)

摘要 - ?怎样才能在发展自身的状态栏中的应用程序的Andr​​oid亲语法

Summary - How can one develop its own status bar app in android pro-grammatically?.


Help Appreciated!



在一个是怎样炼成的自定义状态栏网站,有一个循序渐进(看起来很有希望) a "How to Make a Custom Status Bar" site that has a step by step (looks promising)


However it looks like you may need to alter the firmware

此链接号称覆盖状态栏的唯一途径是改变Android源$ C ​​$ C this link claims the only way to override the status bar is to change the android source code



不过,目前已经有应用程序也这样做,因为你提到自己在市场上。 于是的,有一个答案在那里,但恕我直言,这可能不值得实施,除非它是不可或缺的您的应用程序(不过,我不会建议你去追求做一个山寨的应用程序,除非它的努力是个人进步/实习)

Still, there are already apps on the market that do this as you mentioned yourself. So, there is an answer out there, however IMHO it may not be worth the effort to implement unless it is integral to your app (however, I would not advise you to pursue making a copycat app unless it is for personal improvement/practice)


