更改颜色TabSelector上V4 ViewPager颜色、TabSelector、ViewPager

由网友(脸美逼遭罪)分享简介:是否有可能改变所选标签的颜色在 V4 ViewPager ? 我需要使用V4 ViewPager,但我不觉得来定制它的信号源。只是为了澄清,我需要蓝颜色更改为另一个问题:Is it possible to change color of selected tab on v4 ViewPager?I need t...

是否有可能改变所选标签的颜色在 V4 ViewPager ? 我需要使用V4 ViewPager,但我不觉得来定制它的信号源。 只是为了澄清,我需要蓝颜色更改为另一个问题:

Is it possible to change color of selected tab on v4 ViewPager? I need to use v4 ViewPager, but I don't find any source to customize it. Just to clarify I need to change the blue color to another one:



This is the tab indicator. You can change its color by applying different styles.

使用操作栏样式生成器,生成9patch PNG文件(tab_selected,tab_selected_focused等),并添加这些文件+款式到您的项目。

Use Action Bar Style Generator, generate 9patch png files (tab_selected, tab_selected_focused etc.) and add these files + styles to your project.

另一种方法 - > How改变当前选项卡的荧光笔颜色的Andr​​oid ViewPager?(如@Pratik在评论中写道)。

Another approach -> How to change the current tab highlighter color in Android ViewPager? (as @Pratik wrote in comment).


