
由网友(久治不愈#)分享简介:我总算搞砸了我的Eclipse和Android的设置和我不知道如何解决它。是问题的症状如下:I've somehow managed to mess up my Eclipse and Android set-up and I'm not sure how to fix it. The symptoms of the...


I've somehow managed to mess up my Eclipse and Android set-up and I'm not sure how to fix it. The symptoms of the problem are as follows:

在preferences> Android的,我尽量选择Android的SDK-linux的位置,选择的时候出现错误这个Android的SDK需要Android开发工具包版本20.0.0或更高版本。现在的版本是18.0.0 .v201203301601-306762。请更新ADT到最新版本。

In Preferences > Android, I try to select the location of android-sdk-linux, when select the error appears "This Android SDK requires Android Developer Toolkit version 20.0.0 or above. Current version is 18.0.0.v201203301601-306762. Please update ADT to the latest version."


Going to Help > Check for Updates in Eclipse, returns no updates found

要帮助>与ADT插件安装新的软件,并选择工作 -。 COM /安卓/月食/ 。选择开发工具和明年,返回

Going to Help > Install new software and selecting work with ADT Plugin - Selecting Developer Tools and next, returns

无法完成请求。详情请参阅错误日志。 Android的DDMS将被忽略,因为它已安装。 Android开发工具将被忽略,因为它已安装。 Android的层次浏览器将被忽略,因为它已安装。 Android的Traceview将被忽略,因为它已安装。 示踪OpenGL ES的将被忽略,因为它已经被安装。

Cannot complete the request. See the error log for details. "Android DDMS" will be ignored because it is already installed. "Android Development Tools" will be ignored because it is already installed. "Android Hierarchy Viewer" will be ignored because it is already installed. "Android Traceview" will be ignored because it is already installed. "Tracer for OpenGL ES" will be ignored because it is already installed.


If I then take a look at what is already install, Android Development Tools is listed and the version is 20.0.0.v201206242043-391819


如果我去帮助>关于>安装细节>特色是列出了Android的开发工具包的版本:20.0.0.v201206242043-391819但如果我再进入插件它列出了Android的开发工具包的版本:18.0.0 ......

If I go to Help > About > Installation Details > Features is lists Android Development Toolkit as Version: 20.0.0.v201206242043-391819 but if I then go into Plug-ins it lists Android Development Toolkit as Version: 18.0.0...


Sorry for yet another question on updating the ADT as there already seem to be quite a lot of questions on the topic but I've tried the typically solutions and they does seem to be getting me very far

一些额外的信息,人们经常问 操作系统:Ubuntu的12.04 LTS Eclipse平台:版本3.7.2

Some extra info, that people often ask for OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Eclipse Platform: Version 3.7.2



In the end, I just couldn't fix it so I complete uninstalled it and set it back up again from scratch, thanks for your help


