Android的 - 从循环停止NEW_OUTGOING_CALL事件?事件、Android、NEW_OUTGOING_CALL

由网友(百年二货)分享简介:我有一个广播接收器捉 ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL 事件。在的onReceive()方法,我要送所提供的数字到一个新的 ListActivity ,其中用户到达从列表中选择各种新的目的地号码。当用户从列表中选择一个新号码,我再开始在URI领域的新号码一个新的 ACTION_CALL 意图。可替代地,...


的onReceive()方法,我要送所提供的数字到一个新的 ListActivity ,其中用户到达从列表中选择各种新的目的地号码。

当用户从列表中选择一个新号码,我再开始在URI领域的新号码一个新的 ACTION_CALL 意图。可替代地,其结果可能是原始数




我在我的广播接收器实施搭桥preFIX解决了这个。如果我的客户端应用程序要调用一些直接它只是$ P $调用ACTION_CALL意图之前ppends的preFIX。

原创 谷歌停止合作与谣言攻击也没用 华为概念股涨停


 公共无效的onReceive(上下文的背景下,意图意图){    字符串行动= intent.getAction();    如果(Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL.equals(动作)){        串号= getResultData();        如果(number.startsWith(BYPASS_ preFIX)){             setResultData(number.substring(BYPASS_ preFIX.length()));        }其他{             //做额外的处理        }    }} 

这解决了一气呵成两个问题 - 不仅是这是否停止呼叫循环,这也给了我一个方式通过存储在他们的电话簿条目的preFIX绕过特定号码额外的处理。

I have a BroadcastReceiver catching ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL events.

In the onReceive() method I'm sending the supplied number to a new ListActivity, where the user gets to choose various new destination numbers from a list.

When the user selects a new number from the list I'm then starting a new ACTION_CALL intent with the new number in the URI field. Alternatively, the result might be the original number.

Whatever the new number is, it has to be dialled immediately and not processed any further.

How can I let the BroadcastReceiver know that this resulting number shouldn't be processed yet again?


I resolved this by implementing a "Bypass Prefix" in my BroadcastReceiver. If my client app wants to call a number directly it simply prepends the prefix before invoking the ACTION_CALL Intent.

If the dialed number has the (hard coded) prefix, the BroadcastReceiver strips the prefix and allows the call to proceed as normal:

public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
    String action = intent.getAction();
    if (Intent.ACTION_NEW_OUTGOING_CALL.equals(action)) {
        String number = getResultData();
        if (number.startsWith(BYPASS_PREFIX)) {
        } else {
             // do additional processing

This solves two problems in one go - not only does this stop the call looping, it also gives me a way to bypass the additional processing for specific numbers by storing the prefix in their phone book entries.


