
由网友(只为他袖手天下)分享简介:好,我有多种选择的ListView工作正常。我检查框的接触(在一个String []举行),并能返回值的罚款。因为有些人有一堆接触我想创造一种搜索栏像股票一个用于Android手机的书。我创建了一个EditText和我上面的列表对准它。我发现过滤code在这里计算器,它奇妙的作品。 我的问题:在筛选某人的名字了,你选择...

好,我有多种选择的ListView工作正常。我检查框的接触(在一个String []举行),并能返回值的罚款。因为有些人有一堆接触我想创造一种搜索栏像股票一个用于Android手机的书。我创建了一个EditText和我上面的列表对准它。我发现过滤code在这里计算器,它奇妙的作品。




        myListView =(ListView控件)findViewById(android.R.id.list);
        sea​​rch_EditText =(EditText上)findViewById(R.id.search_EditText);



    私人TextWatcher filterTextWatcher =新TextWatcher(){










我最终什么做什么是创建一个的ArrayList 保存所选择的名称。如果选定姓名,名称推入的ArrayList ,而如果它是不加以控制,它是从列表中弹出。当 afterTextChanged 被选择,该列表是通过迭代和,如果他们在适配器目前列出的名称被检查。当您完成与选择的过程,并要继续,我清除的EditText 清除过滤器,因此填充在ListView的完整列表和设置的所有联系人选定如果它们存在于该ArrayList。

快速集成Android实现listview的字母AZ排序 界面侧边字母索引


  / **用于过滤** /
私人TextWatcher filterTextWatcher =新TextWatcher(){


        ListView控件列表视图= getListView();

        SparseBooleanArray检查= listview.getCheckedItemPositions();
        的for(int i = 0; I< ContactsList.length;我++){
                对象o = getListAdapter()的getItem(我)。
                字符串名称= o.toString();
                    // 没做什么
                } 其他 {
    } //<  -  beforeTextChanged结束

    } //<  -  onTextChanged结束

        ListView控件列表视图= getListView();
        的for(int i = 0; I< listview.getCount();我++){

                ListView控件列表视图= getListView();
                的for(int i = 0; I< adapter.getCount();我++){
                    对象o = getListAdapter()的getItem(我)。
                    字符串名称= o.toString();
                    } 其他 {

    } //<  -  afterTextChanged结束

}; //<  -  TextWatcher结束

您不想使用的过滤器时使用索引,因为索引1可能是一个在一个的ListView ,它可能是另一个的ListView 项目,当你更换过滤器。

OK I have a multiple choice ListView that works fine. I check the boxes for the contacts (held in a String[]) and can return the values fine. Because some people have a bunch of contacts I wanted to create a search bar kind of like the stock one for the Android phone book. I created an EditText and aligned it above my list. I found the filtering code here on StackOverflow and it works wonderfully.

My Problem:

When you filter someones name out, and you select the name, when you either backspace from the EditText or continue typing, the correct position of the name you selected is not saved. For example, if I start typing "Adam" and get to "Ada" and select it, if I backspace to type in "Carol", whatever position "Ada" was at is selected. It gathers the place that "Adam" was at from the click (Let's say 2) and when the list is restored checks that position (2) even though Adam is not there anymore. I need a way to gather the name.. then when the list is restored or searched again, the NAME Adam is checked and not the POSITION Adam was previously at. I have absolutely no ideas other than creating tons of Arrays and could really use some help. Below is some of the code I'm using:

      public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        myListView = (ListView)findViewById(android.R.id.list);
        search_EditText = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.search_EditText);

        adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice, ContactsList); 


    private TextWatcher filterTextWatcher = new TextWatcher() {
        public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {


        public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count,
                int after) {


        public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before,
                int count) {





I never ended up finding a better method than the one I am going to list below. I do not use this code much anymore, and if there is a better solution, I hope someone has it posted somewhere.

What I ended up doing was creating an ArrayList to hold the selected names. If the name is selected, the name is pushed into the ArrayList, and if it is unchecked, it is popped from the list. When afterTextChanged is selected, the list is iterated through and the names are checked if they are currently listed in the adapter. When you finish with the selection process and want to continue, I clear the EditText to clear the filter, therefore populating the complete list in the ListView and setting all of the contacts to selected if they exist in the ArrayList.

Note, I use a custom adapter for a list of contacts that only list names, so this solution may get more confusing if you use other types of data, and I look at this method as a hacked solution:

/** Used for filter **/
private TextWatcher filterTextWatcher = new TextWatcher() {

    public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) {

        ListView listview = getListView();

        SparseBooleanArray checked = listview.getCheckedItemPositions();
        for (int i = 0; i < ContactsList.length; i++) {
            if (checked.get(i) == true) {
                Object o = getListAdapter().getItem(i);
                String name = o.toString();
                // if the arraylist does not contain the name, add it
                if (selected.contains(name)){ 
                    // Do Nothing
                } else {
    } //<-- End of beforeTextChanged

    public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) {           
    } //<-- End of onTextChanged

    public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        ListView listview = getListView();
        // Uncheck everything:
        for (int i = 0; i < listview.getCount(); i++){
            listview.setItemChecked(i, false);                  

        adapter.getFilter().filter(s, new Filter.FilterListener() {
            public void onFilterComplete(int count) {
                ListView listview = getListView();
                for (int i = 0; i < adapter.getCount(); i ++) {
                    // if the current (filtered) 
                    // listview you are viewing has the name included in the list,
                    // check the box
                    Object o = getListAdapter().getItem(i);
                    String name = o.toString();
                    if (selected.contains(name)) {
                        listview.setItemChecked(i, true);
                    } else {
                        listview.setItemChecked(i, false);

    } //<-- End of afterTextChanged

}; //<-- End of TextWatcher

You don't want to use Indexes when using the filters because index 1 might be something in one ListView, and it might be another ListView item when you change the filter.


