
由网友(志在四方)分享简介:我在我的web应用程序的报告要求,我正在寻找现成的解决方案。我没有申报软件,以便与SO社区检查的思想,如果任何人有报表解决方案,这符合我的要求的任何想法,任何经验。I have a reporting requirement in my web application for which I am looking f...


I have a reporting requirement in my web application for which I am looking for off the shelf solution. I don't have any experience of reporting softwares so thought of checking with SO community if anyone have any idea of reporting solution which fits my requirements.


The application will be developed in .Net and apart from other functionalities, I need reporting capability. The look and feel of the entire app should look same.


Is embedding a reporting software into a .Net application is possible or a separate server instance is required? Which one is better?


I need to expose few tables from my database and user should be able to create any kind of queries(report) on that. User should be able to save the queries and name them.


A query saved by a user should be only visible to him. A user belongs to a group. A User can create a report which is visible to whole group as well if he choose so.


I am currently looking at izenda to see if it supports my requirement.


我们一直在使用 LogiXml ,这可能拥有所有你需要的报表功能,但不嵌入太漂亮。我们能够将其与我们的产品使用通过它们的网关非常简单的HTTP POST的认证,并通过直接与他们的数据库集成同步用户和角色整合

We've been using LogiXml, which probably has all the reporting features you need, but doesn't embed too nicely. We were able to integrate it with our product using very simple HTTP POST authentication through their gateway, and by integrating directly with their database to synchronize users and roles.


It's worth looking at, but I can't recall what the licensing fee is to run it in a production instance.


