
由网友(讲的洒脱却感伤.)分享简介:虽然工作在.NET应用程序(比如说一个Asp.Net之一),是在有工作时在64位平台上,你会做事情的方式任何差异,相比工作在32位平台。While working on a .Net application (let's say an Asp.Net one), are there any differences i...


While working on a .Net application (let's say an Asp.Net one), are there any differences in the way you would do things while working on the 64 bit platform, as compared to working on a 32 bit platform.


I would imagine very little since you are working on the framework, and the framework is taking care of most things for you, right?




如果您正在使用P / Invoke,那么你需要确保你有这些DLL的64位版本。这不是一个问题,如果你调用MS提供的DLL文件,如kernel32中,因为他们已经在32位和64位平台(奇怪的,我知道),因此你的64位应用程序将隐式链接到正确的得到了同样的名字版。但是,如果您使用的是第三方的DLL和你的64位应用程序试图连接到一个32位的DLL,你会得到一个运行时异常。

If you're using p/invoke then you need to be sure that you've got 64bit versions of the DLLs available. This isn't an issue if you're calling MS supplied DLLs such as kernel32 as they've got the same name on the 32 and 64 bit platforms (bizarre, I know) and so your 64 bit app will implicitly link to the correct version. However, if you're using 3rd party DLLs and your 64bit app tries to link to a 32bit DLL you'll get a runtime exception.


This also means that if you're using in-process COM object you'll have a problem. A 64bit app can call an out-of-process COM object that's 32 bit (and vice-versa) as you're moving across a process boundary and COM will take care of the marshalling for you.


Other than this, the framework takes care of most things for you. You never really have to worry about pointer sizes and the clr types have explicit sizes (int is always 32 bits, long always 64 bits). In a pure .NET world there's very little to worry about. It's when you start moving outside the sandbox that you have to be more careful.


