文件分割成块大于2 GB的?文件分割、成块、GB

由网友(素锦流年)分享简介:我想写一个分割文件转换成固定大小的块的方法,但我不能excceed的 2147483590 ( Integer.MaxValue极限 - 57 的)每创建缓冲区的原因时,字节的构造函数只接受一个整数每个块。我读过其他S.O.建议答案谈到创建小的块。(如:100 MB),然后追加块,以获得真正所需的国标块大小,但我不...

我想写一个分割文件转换成固定大小的块的方法,但我不能excceed的 2147483590 ( Integer.MaxValue极限 - 57 的)每创建缓冲区的原因时,字节的构造函数只接受一个整数每个块。

我读过其他S.O.建议答案谈到创建小的块。(如:100 MB),然后追加块,以获得真正所需的国标块大小,但我不知道这是否是正确的方法或如何追加的块


 公用Sub SplitFile(BYVAL的InputFile作为字符串,
                     BYVAL CHUNKSIZE长,
                     可选BYVAL ChunkName作为字符串=没什么,
                     可选BYVAL ChunkExt作为字符串=没什么,
                     可选BYVAL覆盖由于布尔= FALSE)


    昏暗ChunkCount作为整数= CINT(Math.Floor(fInfo.Length / CHUNKSIZE))

    昏暗LastChunkSize只要= fInfo.Length  - (ChunkCount * CHUNKSIZE)

    昏暗ChunkBuffer为字节()=新的字节(CHUNKSIZE  -  1L){}

    昏暗LastChunkBuffer为字节()=新的字节(LastChunkSize  -  1L){}



    ChunkName = IF(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChunkName)

    ChunkExt = IF(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChunkExt)

    如果CHUNKSIZE> = fInfo.Length然后

        elseif的CHUNKSIZE> 2147483590I然后'(Integer.MaxValue  -  57)

    结束如果CHUNKSIZE<> ...


        对于ChunkIndex作为整数= 0I要(ChunkCount)

            零=新字符串(0,CStr的(ChunkCount).Length  -  CStr的(ChunkIndex + 1).Length)

            如果IO.File.Exists(的String.Format({0} {1} {2}。,ChunkName,零和放大器; CStr的(ChunkIndex + 1I),ChunkExt))然后








            对于ChunkIndex作为整数= 0I要ChunkCount

                零=新字符串(0,CStr的(ChunkCount).Length  -  CStr的(ChunkIndex + 1).Length)
                ChunkFile =的String.Format({0} {1} {2}。,ChunkName,零和放大器; CStr的(ChunkIndex + 1I),ChunkExt)

                如果ChunkIndex<> ChunkCount然后阅读CHUNKSIZE字节。
                    InputStream.Position =(CHUNKSIZE * CLng函数(ChunkIndex))

                    InputStream.Position =(CHUNKSIZE * ChunkIndex)+ 1

                结束如果ChunkIndex<> ChunkCount



                        如果ChunkIndex<> ChunkCount然后




                的RaiseEvent ProgressChanged(CDbl((100I / ChunkCount)* ChunkIndex))








        昏暗OneMegabyte作为整数= 1024 * 1024定义的一个MB长度
        如果CHUNKSIZE< OneMegabyte然后
           BUFFERSIZE = OneMegabyte

        昏暗BytesWritten只要= 0'计数当前文件的长度
        暗淡ChunkIndex为整数= 0'保持块的数目的轨道
        虽然InputStream.Position< InputStream.Length

            ChunkFile =的String.Format({0} {1} {2}。,ChunkName,零和放大器; CStr的(ChunkIndex + 1I),ChunkExt)定义文件名
            BytesWritten = 0'复位长度计


                    虽然BytesWritten< CHUNKSIZE AndAlso InputStream.Position< InputStream.Length'读,直到你已经达到了输入的末尾
                        昏暗的ReadBytes()作为字节= BinaryReader.ReadBytes(BUFFERSIZE)读一兆字节
                        BytesWritten + = ReadBytes.Count'增量大小计数器


            ChunkIndex + = 1'增量文件柜



I'm trying to write a method that splits a file into fixed-size chunks, but I can't excceed the limit of 2147483590 (Integer.MaxValue - 57) per each chunk when creating the Buffer 'cause the Byte constructor only accepts an Integer.

I've read a suggestion in other S.O. answer that talked about creating little chunks (eg: 100 mb) and then append the chunks to get the real desired GB chunk-size, but I don't know whether that's the proper way or how to "append" the chunks.

Somone could help me?, here is what I've done:

Public Sub SplitFile(ByVal InputFile As String,
                     ByVal ChunkSize As Long,
                     Optional ByVal ChunkName As String = Nothing,
                     Optional ByVal ChunkExt As String = Nothing,
                     Optional ByVal Overwrite As Boolean = False)

    ' FileInfo instance of the input file.
    Dim fInfo As New IO.FileInfo(InputFile)

    ' The total amount of chunks to create.
    Dim ChunkCount As Integer = CInt(Math.Floor(fInfo.Length / ChunkSize))

    ' The remaining bytes of the last chunk.
    Dim LastChunkSize As Long = fInfo.Length - (ChunkCount * ChunkSize)

    ' The Buffer to read the chunks.
    Dim ChunkBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(ChunkSize - 1L) {}

    ' The Buffer to read the last chunk.
    Dim LastChunkBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(LastChunkSize - 1L) {}

    ' A zero-filled string to enumerate the chunk files.
    Dim Zeros As String = String.Empty

    ' The given filename for each chunk.
    Dim ChunkFile As String = String.Empty

    ' The chunk file basename.
    ChunkName = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChunkName),
                   IO.Path.Combine(fInfo.DirectoryName, IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fInfo.Name)),
                   IO.Path.Combine(fInfo.DirectoryName, ChunkName))

    ' The chunk file extension.
    ChunkExt = If(String.IsNullOrEmpty(ChunkExt),

    ' If ChunkSize is bigger than filesize then...
    If ChunkSize >= fInfo.Length Then
        Throw New OverflowException("'ChunkSize' should be smaller than the Filesize.")
        Exit Sub

        ' ElseIf ChunkSize > 2147483590I Then ' (Integer.MaxValue - 57)
        '     Throw New OverflowException("'ChunkSize' limit exceeded.")
        '    Exit Sub

    End If ' ChunkSize <>...

    ' If not file-overwrite is allowed then...
    If Not Overwrite Then

        For ChunkIndex As Integer = 0I To (ChunkCount)

            Zeros = New String("0", CStr(ChunkCount).Length - CStr(ChunkIndex + 1).Length)

            ' If chunk file already exists then...
            If IO.File.Exists(String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", ChunkName, Zeros & CStr(ChunkIndex + 1I), ChunkExt)) Then

                Throw New IO.IOException(String.Format("File already exist: {0}", ChunkFile))
                Exit Sub

            End If ' IO.File.Exists

        Next ChunkIndex

    End If ' Overwrite

    ' Open the file to start reading bytes.
    Using InputStream As New IO.FileStream(fInfo.FullName, IO.FileMode.Open)

        Using BinaryReader As New IO.BinaryReader(InputStream)

            BinaryReader.BaseStream.Seek(0L, IO.SeekOrigin.Begin)

            For ChunkIndex As Integer = 0I To ChunkCount

                Zeros = New String("0", CStr(ChunkCount).Length - CStr(ChunkIndex + 1).Length)
                ChunkFile = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", ChunkName, Zeros & CStr(ChunkIndex + 1I), ChunkExt)

                If ChunkIndex <> ChunkCount Then ' Read the ChunkSize bytes.
                    InputStream.Position = (ChunkSize * CLng(ChunkIndex))
                    BinaryReader.Read(ChunkBuffer, 0I, ChunkSize)

                Else ' Read the remaining bytes of the LastChunkSize.
                    InputStream.Position = (ChunkSize * ChunkIndex) + 1
                    BinaryReader.Read(LastChunkBuffer, 0I, LastChunkSize)

                End If ' ChunkIndex <> ChunkCount

                ' Create the chunk file to Write the bytes.
                Using OutputStream As New IO.FileStream(ChunkFile, IO.FileMode.Create)

                    Using BinaryWriter As New IO.BinaryWriter(OutputStream)

                        If ChunkIndex <> ChunkCount Then
                        End If


                    End Using ' BinaryWriter

                End Using ' OutputStream

                ' Report the progress...
                ' RaiseEvent ProgressChanged(CDbl((100I / ChunkCount) * ChunkIndex))

            Next ChunkIndex

        End Using ' BinaryReader

    End Using ' InputStream

End Sub


As I have written in my comment you can just write data to the chunks until their size is large enough. Reading is done with a smaller buffer (I took some code parts from your question) in a loop while counting how many bytes have already be written.

' Open the file to start reading bytes.
Using InputStream As New IO.FileStream(fInfo.FullName, IO.FileMode.Open)
    Using BinaryReader As New IO.BinaryReader(InputStream)

        Dim OneMegabyte As Integer = 1024 * 1024 'Defines length of one MB
        'Account for cases where a chunksize smaller than one MegaByte is requested
        Dim BufferSize As Integer
        If ChunkSize < OneMegabyte Then
           BufferSize = CInt(ChunkSize)
           BufferSize = OneMegabyte
        End If

        Dim BytesWritten As Long = 0 'Counts the length of the current file
        Dim ChunkIndex As Integer = 0 'Keep track of the number of chunks
        While InputStream.Position < InputStream.Length

            ChunkFile = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}", ChunkName, Zeros & CStr(ChunkIndex + 1I), ChunkExt) 'Define filename
            BytesWritten = 0 'Reset length counter

            ' Create the chunk file to Write the bytes.
            Using OutputStream As New IO.FileStream(ChunkFile, IO.FileMode.Create)
                Using BinaryWriter As New IO.BinaryWriter(OutputStream)

                    While BytesWritten < ChunkSize AndAlso InputStream.Position < InputStream.Length 'Read until you have reached the end of the input
                        Dim ReadBytes() As Byte = BinaryReader.ReadBytes(BufferSize) 'Read one megabyte
                        BinaryWriter.Write(ReadBytes) 'Write this megabyte
                        BytesWritten += ReadBytes.Count 'Increment size counter
                    End While

                End Using ' BinaryWriter
            End Using ' OutputStream

            ChunkIndex += 1 'Increment file counter
        End While

    End Using ' BinaryReader
End Using ' InputStream


