
由网友(姐的笑是最极致的奢饰)分享简介:我打电话通过HTTP服务(最终使用HttpClient.SendAsync方法)在我的code。这code,然后叫成从的WebAPI控制器动作。大多数情况下,它工作正常(测试通过),但是当我部署在说IIS,我经历了僵局,因为异步方法调用的调用者已被封锁,并继续将无法继续在该线程,直到它完成(它不会) I'm call...


I'm calling a service over HTTP (ultimately using the HttpClient.SendAsync method) from within my code. This code is then called into from a WebAPI controller action. Mostly, it works fine (tests pass) but then when I deploy on say IIS, I experience a deadlock because caller of the async method call has been blocked and the continuation cannot proceed on that thread until it finishes (which it won't).


While I could make most of my methods async I don't feel as if I have a basic understanding of when I'd must do this.


For example, let's say I did make most of my methods async (since they ultimately call other async service methods) how would I then invoke the first async method of my program if I built say a message loop where I want some control of the degree of parallelism?

由于HttpClient的没有任何同步的方法,我能放心地presume做的,如果我有一个抽象的概念,是不是异步知道?我读过关于 ConfigureAwait(假),但我真的不明白它做什么。很奇怪,我认为它的异步调用后设置。对我来说,感觉就好像一场比赛即将发生......但不太可能......

Since the HttpClient doesn't have any synchronous methods, what can I safely presume to do if I have an abstraction that isn't async aware? I've read about the ConfigureAwait(false) but I don't really understand what it does. It's strange to me that it's set after the async invocation. To me that feels as if a race waiting to happen... however unlikely...


public HttpResponseMessage Get()
  var userContext = contextService.GetUserContext(); // <-- synchronous
  return ...

// Some IUserContextService implementation
public IUserContext GetUserContext()
  var httpClient = new HttpClient();
  var result = httpClient.GetAsync(...).Result; // <-- I really don't care if this is asynchronous or not
  return new HttpUserContext(result);


Message loop example:

var mq = new MessageQueue();
// we then run say 8 tasks that do this
for (;;)
  var m = mq.Get();
  var c = GetCommand(m);


When you have a message loop that allow things to happen in parallel and you have asynchronous methods, there's a opportunity to minimize latency. Basically, what I want to accomplish in this instance is to minimize latency and idle time. Though I'm actually unsure as to how to invoke into the command that's associated with the message that arrives off the queue.


To be more specific, if the command invocation needs to do service requests there's going to be latency in the invocation that could be used to get the next message. Stuff like that. I can totally do this simply by wrapping up things in queues and coordinating this myself but I'd like to see this work with just some async/await stuff.


虽然我AP preciate来自社区成员的洞察力,它总是很难EX preSS的我想要做的,但巨大的意图乐于助人,向他咨询关于围绕这一问题的情况。就这样,我终究抵下列code。

While I appreciate the insight from community members it's always difficult to express the intent of what I'm trying to do but tremendously helpful to get advice about circumstances surrounding the problem. With that, I eventually arrived that the following code.

public class AsyncOperatingContext
  struct Continuation
    private readonly SendOrPostCallback d;
    private readonly object state;

    public Continuation(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
      this.d = d;
      this.state = state;

    public void Run()

  class BlockingSynchronizationContext : SynchronizationContext
    readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;

    public BlockingSynchronizationContext(BlockingCollection<Continuation> workQueue)
      _workQueue = workQueue;

    public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
      _workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));

  /// <summary>
  /// Gets the recommended max degree of parallelism. (Your main program message loop could use this value.)
  /// </summary>
  public static int MaxDegreeOfParallelism { get { return Environment.ProcessorCount; } }

  #region Helper methods

  /// <summary>
  /// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
  /// </summary>
  public static T Run<T>(Func<Task<T>> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
    var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
    asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;
    return asyncOperatingContext.RunMain(main);

  /// <summary>
  /// Run an async task. This method will block execution (and use the calling thread as a worker thread) until the async task has completed.
  /// </summary>
  public static void Run(Func<Task> main, int degreeOfParallelism = 1)
    var asyncOperatingContext = new AsyncOperatingContext();
    asyncOperatingContext.DegreeOfParallelism = degreeOfParallelism;


  private readonly BlockingCollection<Continuation> _workQueue;

  public int DegreeOfParallelism { get; set; }

  public AsyncOperatingContext()
    _workQueue = new BlockingCollection<Continuation>();

  /// <summary>
  /// Initialize the current thread's SynchronizationContext so that work is scheduled to run through this AsyncOperatingContext.
  /// </summary>
  protected void InitializeSynchronizationContext()
    SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));

  protected void RunMessageLoop()
    while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
      Continuation continuation;
      if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))

  protected T RunMain<T>(Func<Task<T>> main)
    var degreeOfParallelism = DegreeOfParallelism;
    if (!((1 <= degreeOfParallelism) & (degreeOfParallelism <= 5000))) // sanity check
      throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("DegreeOfParallelism must be between 1 and 5000.", "DegreeOfParallelism");
    var currentSynchronizationContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
    InitializeSynchronizationContext(); // must set SynchronizationContext before main() task is scheduled
    var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
    mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
    // for single threading we don't need worker threads so we don't use any
    // otherwise (for increased parallelism) we simply launch X worker threads
    if (degreeOfParallelism > 1)
      for (int i = 1; i < degreeOfParallelism; i++)
        ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ => {
          // do we really need to restore the SynchronizationContext here as well?
    SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(currentSynchronizationContext); // restore
    return mainTask.Result;

  protected void RunMain(Func<Task> main)
    // The return value doesn't matter here
    RunMain(async () => { await main(); return 0; });


This class is complete and it does a couple of things that I found difficult to grasp.


As general advice you should allow the TAP (task-based asynchronous) pattern to propagate through your code. This may imply quite a bit of refactoring (or redesign). Ideally you should be allowed to break this up into pieces and make progress as you work towards to overall goal of making your program more asynchronous.

东西是内在的危险做的是异步调用code无情地以同步的方式。通过这一点,我们的意思是调用等待结果的方法。这可能会导致死锁。要解决类似的东西的一种方法是使用 AsyncOperatingContext.Run 方法。它将使用当前线程运行一个消息循环,直到异步调用完成。它会换出任何的SynchronizationContext 与当前线程关联暂时这样做。

Something that's inherently dangerous to do is to call asynchronous code callously in an synchronous fashion. By this we mean invoking the Wait or Result methods. These can lead to deadlocks. One way to work around something like that is to use the AsyncOperatingContext.Run method. It will use the current thread to run a message loop until the asynchronous call is complete. It will swap out whatever SynchronizationContext is associated with the current thread temporarily to do so.

注意:我不知道这是不够的,如果你被允许调换回的SynchronizationContext 这样一来,假设可以的话,这应该工作。我已经被咬伤的ASP.NET死锁问题,这可能可能功能作为一种解决办法。

Note: I don't know if this is enough, or if you are allowed to swap back the SynchronizationContext this way, assuming that you can, this should work. I've already been bitten by the ASP.NET deadlock issue and this could possibly function as a workaround.


Lastly, I found myself asking the question, what is the corresponding equivalent of Main(string[]) in an async context? Turns out that's the message loop.


What I've found is that there are two things that make out this async machinery.

SynchronizationContext.Post 消息循环。在我的 AsyncOperatingContext 我提供了一个非常简单的消息循环:

SynchronizationContext.Post and the message loop. In my AsyncOperatingContext I provide a very simple message loop:

protected void RunMessageLoop()
  while (!_workQueue.IsCompleted)
    Continuation continuation;
    if (_workQueue.TryTake(out continuation, Timeout.Infinite))

我的 SynchronizationContext.Post 就变成:

public override void Post(SendOrPostCallback d, object state)
  _workQueue.TryAdd(new Continuation(d, state));


And our entry point, basically the equivalent of an async main from synchronous context (simplified version from original source):

SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new BlockingSynchronizationContext(_workQueue));
var mainTask = main(); // schedule "main" task
mainTask.ContinueWith(task => _workQueue.CompleteAdding());
return mainTask.Result;

这一切都是昂贵的,我们不能只是去替换调用异步方法与此,但它确实让我们相当快速创建,保持写作所需的设施异步 $ C $在需要的地方,而无需处理整个程序下进行。这也由此实现,其中的工作线程去非常明确的程序如何影响并发性。

All of this is costly and we can't just go replace calls to async methods with this but it does allow us to rather quickly create the facilities required to keep writing async code where needed without having to deal with the whole program. It's also very clear from this implementation where the worker threads go and how the impact concurrency of your program.


I look at this and think to myself, yeap, that's how Node.js does it. Though JavaScript does not have this nice async/await language support that C# currently does.


As an added bonus, I have complete control of the degree of parallelism, and if I want, I can run my async tasks completely single threaded. Though, If I do so and call Wait or Result on any task, it will deadlock the program because it will block the only message loop available.