安卓/ Facebook的:项目缺少所需的库所需、项目、Facebook

由网友(无力挽留)分享简介:我已经导入Facebook的SDK下载它还有:的https:// github上。 COM / Facebook的/ Facebook的Andr​​oid的SDK /款/主并按照指示有http://www.android10.org/index.php/articleslibraries/290-facebook-in...

我已经导入Facebook的SDK下载它还有:的https:// github上。 COM / Facebook的/ Facebook的Andr​​oid的SDK /款/主并按照指示有http://www.android10.org/index.php/articleslibraries/290-facebook-integration-in-your-android-application

I have imported the Facebook SDK downloading it there : https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk/commits/master and following the instructions there http://www.android10.org/index.php/articleslibraries/290-facebook-integration-in-your-android-application


I have added FacebookSDK as a Library for my current project.

不过,我在所有的时候我导入Facebook的项目导入示例错误: 项目FacebookSDK缺少所需的库库/ Android的支持,v4.jar似乎是一个错误FacebookSDK项目 然后,我有 容器Android的依赖关系引用不存在的库C: Facebook的Andr​​oid的SDK主 Facebook的 BIN facebooksdk.jar,为所有在facebook的项目facebook的样本项目

But I have errors in all the Samples imported when I import the facebook project: "Project FacebookSDK is missing required library libs/android-support-v4.jar" appears as one error for FacebookSDK project And then I have "The container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library C:...facebook-android-sdk-masterfacebookbinfacebooksdk.jar" for all the facebook sample projects that are in the facebook project.

我试图清理项目,做属性> Java编译器>编译器符合性水平1.6(因为5.0或6.0的水平是必要的,而不是1.7,所以我下载JDK 1.6) 试着做机器人工具>修复项目属性

I tried to clear the project, to do Properties > Java Compiler > Compiler compliance level 1.6 (because 5.0 or 6.0 level was needed, not 1.7, so I downloaded jdk 1.6) tried to do Android Tools > Fix project properties

不过,我仍然有同样的错误回报... 有人能告诉我,我该怎么办? 谢谢

But I still have the same erros... Could someone tell me what I should do? Thanks



I think you have to configure Buildpath of your project. Do this as suggested below:

RightClick on your Project -> Build Path -> Configure Buildpath


Then the window be will be shown with Libraries as one of the tab. Select that tab.

然后点击添加外部JAR 在右侧的按钮列表。添加所需的广口瓶,然后选择确定。一旦清理并生成项目。

Then click Add External Jars in the right side buttons list. Add the required Jars and select OK. Once clean and build your project.



