从C ++中的COM互操作的不叫回来管理对象的方法不叫、对象、操作、方法

由网友(此人单身√欢迎勾引)分享简介:这是从我的$p$pvious帖子。阅读该职位的情况下。请注意,这是不严格COM互操作 - 但C ++接口是COM兼容我试着去实现这个C ++在C#接口类IPluginFactory:公共FUnknown{虚拟tresult PLUGIN_API createInstance建立(FIDString CID,FIDSt...

这是从我的$p$pvious帖子。阅读该职位的情况下。请注意,这是不严格COM互操作 - 但C ++接口是COM兼容

我试着去实现这个C ++在C#接口

    虚拟tresult PLUGIN_API createInstance建立(FIDString CID,FIDString独立同分布的,无效** OBJ)= 0;


    INT32的CreateInstance([IN] REF的Guid的classId,[在] REF的Guid interfaceId,[的MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown),输入,输出]参考对象实例);
c 中combobox中text显示值与程序操作值问题



返回的对象是由该C psented重新$ P $ ++接口:

    虚拟tresult PLUGIN_API初始化(FUnknown *上下文)= 0;
    虚拟tresult PLUGIN_API终止()= 0;




在非托管C ++测试应用程序我写的,我可以成功调用createInstance建立和接受一个非空指针code使用作为IPluginBase *。

的问题是当我尝试调用这个IPluginBase *指针初始化的方法。它从来没有达到管理code(无断点命中 - 其他断点做工精细)和返回code是0x80004003。它看起来像包装做了一些拦截在这里...

我的问题是:是的管理再$ P $的CreateInstance的psentation的声明是否正确? 我在想什么吗? (这应该是单纯功能的互操作,应该不是吗?)

其他建议的声明风格也受到欢迎。 感谢名单,马克。


INT32的CreateInstance([IN] REF的Guid的classId,[在] REF的Guid interfaceId,[的MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown,Iid​​ParameterIndex = 1),输入,输出]参考对象实例);

我也试图Unm​​anagedType.Interface结合的IidParameterIndex但都导致一个的IUnknown被封送回。如果我重新查询IPluginBase接口IPluginBase ::初始化方法的工作原理(断点管理code命中)。


编辑:这个问题似乎出在createInstance方法。我是   无法获得接口返回的是受独立同分布问   参数。

指定 IidParameterIndex 没有帮助在这里。你的执行 createInstance建立的应该是这样的:

 公众诠释createInstance建立(REF的Guid的classId,裁判的Guid RIID,楼盘的IntPtr实例)
    如果(比如!= IntPtr.Zero)

    //代替实际的对象创建$ C $下的CreateObject

    IntPtr的UNK = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(OBJ);

This is a follow up from my previous post. Read that post for context. Note that it is not strict COM interop - but the C++ interfaces are COM compatible.

Im trying to implement this C++ interface in C#

class IPluginFactory : public FUnknown
    virtual tresult PLUGIN_API createInstance (FIDString cid, FIDString iid, void** obj) = 0;

My C# code looks like this:

public interface IPluginFactory
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Error)]
    Int32 CreateInstance([In] ref Guid classId, [In] ref Guid interfaceId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown), In, Out] ref object instance);

The implementation assigns a new object instance to the 'instance' parameter and returns 0 (S_OK). I even cast to the expected (managed) interface.

instance = (IPluginBase)new PluginBase();
return 0;

The object returned is represented by this C++ interface:

class IPluginBase: public FUnknown
    virtual tresult PLUGIN_API initialize (FUnknown* context) = 0;
    virtual tresult PLUGIN_API terminate () = 0;

Which looks like this in my C# implementation:

public interface IPluginBase
    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Error)]
    Int32 Initialize([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown), In] object context);

    [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Error)]
    Int32 Terminate();

In the unmanaged C++ test application I wrote, I can successfully call createInstance and receive a non-null pointer the code uses as a IPluginBase*.

The problem comes when I try to call the 'initialize' method on this IPluginBase* pointer. It never reaches the managed code (no breakpoint is hit - other breakpoint work fine) and the return code is 0x80004003. It looks like the wrapper does some intercepting here...

My question is: is the declaration of the managed representation of CreateInstance correct? What am I missing here? (this should be plain vanilla interop, should it not?)

Other suggestions on declaration 'style' are also welcome. Thanx, Marc.

EDIT: The problem seems to lie with the createInstance method. I am unable to get the interface returned that is asked for by the iid parameter.

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Error)]
Int32 CreateInstance([In] ref Guid classId, [In] ref Guid interfaceId, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown, IidParameterIndex = 1), In, Out] ref object instance);

I have also tried UnmanagedType.Interface in combination with the IidParameterIndex but both result in a IUnknown being marshaled back. If I re-query the IPluginBase interface the IPluginBase::initialize method works (breakpoint in managed code hits).


EDIT: The problem seems to lie with the createInstance method. I am unable to get the interface returned that is asked for by the iid parameter.

Specifying IidParameterIndex doesn't help here. Your implementation of createInstance should look like this:

public int createInstance(ref Guid classId, ref Guid riid, ref IntPtr instance)
    if (instance != IntPtr.Zero)
        return E_POINTER;

    // substitute your actual object creation code for CreateObject
    object obj = CreateObject(classId) 

    // return the correct interface
    IntPtr unk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(obj);
        return Marshal.QueryInterface(unk, ref riid, out instance);


