匕首+ Proguard的混淆,错误创建对象图匕首、对象、错误、Proguard

由网友(不特别、但却是唯一)分享简介:运行我的应用程序的模糊版本引发以下堆栈跟踪Running an obfuscated version of my application throws the following stacktracejava.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service com.m...


Running an obfuscated version of my application throws the following stacktrace

java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create service com.mycompany.myapp.async.alarms.AlarmIntentService: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Errors creating object graph:
    dagger.Lazy could not be bound with key dagger.Lazy required by dagger.Lazy  com.mycompany.scheduler.c.mNotificationDisplayer


If I add -dontobfuscate, it runs smoothly


public abstract class AbstractAlarmSchedulerService extends IntentService {

  Lazy<AbstractAlarmSchedulerNotificationDisplayer> mNotificationDisplayer;


I extend from this class in my application, but it belongs to an external library.

这些都是我的匕首ProGuard的规则,从 http://stackoverflow.com/a/18177491/218473

These are my dagger proguard rules, copied from http://stackoverflow.com/a/18177491/218473

-keepattributes *Annotation*

-keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * {
    @javax.inject.* *;
    @dagger.* *;

-keep class * extends dagger.internal.Binding
-keep class * extends dagger.internal.ModuleAdapter

-keep class **$$ModuleAdapter
-keep class **$$InjectAdapter
-keep class **$$StaticInjection

-keep class dagger.* { *; }

-keep class javax.inject.* { *; }
-keep class * extends dagger.internal.Binding
-keep class * extends dagger.internal.ModuleAdapter
-keep class * extends dagger.internal.StaticInjection

-keep !abstract class com.mycompany.** { *; }

-keepnames class dagger.Lazy


I've tried keeping all classes and all members to see if that fixed anything, but the error persisted

-keep class * { *; }


com.mycompany.scheduler is an external library, while com.mycompany.myapp contains the source for the actual application.


In case it's needed, here's the Module I'm using

@Module(injects = {AlarmIntentService.class, ReminderNotificationDisplayer.class, AlarmsBroadcastReceiver.class})
public class AndroidModule {
  private final AbstractMyApplication application;

  public AndroidModule(AbstractMyApplication application) {
    this.application = application;

   * Allow the application context to be injected
  @Provides @Singleton
  Context provideApplicationContext() {
    return application;

  public AlarmManager provideAlarmManager(Context context){
    return (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE);

  public NotificationManager provideNotificationManager(Context context){
    return (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

  public AbstractAlarmSchedulerNotificationDisplayer provideNotificationDisplayer() {
    return new ReminderNotificationDisplayer();

我用匕首和放大器;匕首编译器1.2 +依赖

I'm using dagger & dagger-compiler 1.2.+ dependencies




Dagger 1.x has issues with obfuscation. It can do code-shrinking with appropriate -keep statements, but obfuscation becomes problematic because of the use of String keys. The Strings are generated prior to proguarding, but consumed after proguarding, and do not line up with the newly-renamed types.


Dagger 1.x (around 1.0.0) before we disabled reflective module adapters will work, as pure-reflection results in both provision and injection of a type to be considered "just in time" (i.e. after proguarding) so obfuscated types match up. If code-obfuscation is a higher priority than performance, do consider using this slightly older version.


Dagger 2.x (in progress) is free of string keys, and results in direct class references, and should play very nicely with Proguard. Stay tuned to the dagger lists and project. We expect early versions of 2.x to drop within weeks of this posting.

此外,更具体,确保您 -keepattributes签名。您所看到特定的错误是因为JDK5 +仿制药正在被ProGuard的剥离。一个从来没有注入延迟,一是其注入延迟&LT;富&GT; 。这将解决这个特定的错误,虽然你会再有问题上面提到的。

Also, and more specifically, make sure you -keepattributes Signature. The specific error you are seeing is because JDK5+ generics are being stripped by proguard. One never injects Lazy, one injects Lazy<Foo>. That will fix this specific error, though you will then have the problem mentioned above.


