
由网友(无爱㈠身轻)分享简介:我的一个jQuery的AJAX的帖子发出后的数据为我的。NET MVC3控制器的方法,但在控制器的方法,数据显示为空。我使用几乎相同的方法,身体其他许多AJAX的职位,他们都做工精细,所以我不知道发生了什么。阿贾克斯后:$。阿贾克斯({网址:'/实体/相关',键入:POST,数据类型:JSON,的contentType...

我的一个jQuery的AJAX的帖子发出后的数据为我的。NET MVC3控制器的方法,但在控制器的方法,数据显示为空。我使用几乎相同的方法,身体其他许多AJAX的职位,他们都做工精细,所以我不知道发生了什么。


    的contentType:应用程序了/ JSON;字符集= UTF-8,


公众诠释相关(INT primaryEntityId,INT relatedEntityId)
    返回relationshi prepository.Add(primaryEntityId,relatedEntityId);






这是不可能的,因为的Int32 是值类型和值类型在.NET中不能。你可能意味着它们被分配到缺省值。无论如何,

这个问题是有关您在AJAX请求设置了的contentType 参数。您需要删除它,因为你没有发送JSON,但标准应用程序/ x-WWW的形式urlen codeD 要求:

    数据: {


    公众诠释PrimaryEntityId {获得;组; }
    公众诠释RelatedEntityId {获得;组; }


    返回relationshi prepository.Add(model.PrimaryEntityId,model.RelatedEntityId);

和最后发送一个真正的JSON请求(使用 JSON.stringify 法):

    的contentType:应用/ JSON的;字符集= UTF-8,

One of my jquery ajax posts sends post data to my .NET MVC3 controller method, but at the controller method, the data shows up as null. I have many other ajax posts that use practically the same method body, and they all work fine, so I'm not sure what is happening.

Ajax post:

    url: '/Entity/Relate',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: 'applicaiton/json; charset=utf-8',
    data: { primaryEntityId: parseInt(entityParentId, 10), relatedEntityId: _createdId },
    success: function (data)
        //do stuff
    error: function ()
        // throw error
    complete: function ()
        //do more stuff

Controller method:

public int Relate(int primaryEntityId, int relatedEntityId)
    return relationshipRepository.Add(primaryEntityId, relatedEntityId);

The problem is when I break on the Relate method, primaryEntityId and relatedEntityId are null, even though in the post data in Firebug, it shows that {primaryEntityId: 13, relatedEntityId: 486} have been posted to the method.

Any suggestions or ideas as to why the post looks good, but the controller isn't picking up the data?


but at the controller method, the data shows up as null

That's not possible because Int32 is a value type and value types in .NET cannot be null. You probably meant that they are assigned to the default value. Anyway.

The problem is related to the contentType parameter that you have set in your AJAX request. You need to remove it because you are not sending JSON but a standard application/x-www-form-urlencoded request:

    url: '/Entity/Relate',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    data: { 
        primaryEntityId: parseInt(entityParentId, 10), 
        relatedEntityId: _createdId 
    success: function (data)
        //do stuff
    error: function ()
        // throw error
    complete: function ()
        //do more stuff

If you want to send a JSON request define a view model:

public class RelateViewModel
    public int PrimaryEntityId { get; set; }
    public int RelatedEntityId { get; set; }

then have your controller take this view model as argument:

public int Relate(RelateViewModel model)
    return relationshipRepository.Add(model.PrimaryEntityId, model.RelatedEntityId);

and finally send a real JSON request (using the JSON.stringify method):

    url: '/Entity/Relate',
    type: 'POST',
    dataType: 'json',
    contentType: 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
    data: JSON.stringify({ 
        primaryEntityId: parseInt(entityParentId, 10), 
        relatedEntityId: _createdId 
    success: function (data)
        //do stuff
    error: function ()
        // throw error
    complete: function ()
        //do more stuff


