OneNote API 不返回新页面(即使通过 ms 图形资源管理器)资源管理器、图形、新页面、OneNote

由网友(遗梦少年)分享简介:我是一个应用程序的创建者,该应用程序通过适用于 Android/iOS 的 Microsoft 图形 SDK 与 OneNote API 集成.我的一些用户报告说新的 OneNote 笔记停止与应用程序同步(数百人受此影响).I'm a creator of an app that integrates with O...

我是一个应用程序的创建者,该应用程序通过适用于 Android/iOS 的 Microsoft 图形 SDK 与 OneNote API 集成.我的一些用户报告说新的 OneNote 笔记停止与应用程序同步(数百人受此影响).

I'm a creator of an app that integrates with OneNote API via Microsoft graph SDKs for Android/iOS. Several of my users reported that the new OneNote notes stopped syncing with the app (hundreds more affected by this).

我一直在调试这个.而且我可以确认 OneNote API 不会返回新页面.重现:

I've been debugging this. And I can confirm that OneNote API does not return new pages. To reproduce:

1) create some new notes

2) go to Graph Explorer (

3) user basic query (


New pages are not being returned, even after a few days. My app uses the same endpoint to get the latest pages.


I would appreciate it if someone could look into this. I can provide all the data needed to debug.

旁注:官方 OneNote 应用可以正确查看笔记(在 iOS 和 Android 上).

Side Note: The official OneNote app sees the notes correctly (on both iOS and Android).


MS Graph Explorer 开始显示 5 天前添加的注释(我们的用户报告相同).因此,传播数据似乎有很长的延迟(官方 OneNote 应用程序几乎立即同步新页面).很高兴得到 OneNote 团队对此的回应.

MS Graph Explorer started showing notes which were added 5 days ago (our users report the same). So it seems like a very long delay in propagating the data (the official OneNote app syncs new pages almost instantly). It would be great to get a response from OneNote team on this.

看起来类似的问题是在 2 年前报告的

Looks like similar issue was reported 2 years ago

有没有办法克服 OneNote 客户端更改和 API 结果之间的延迟?


Tested with "FavorDataRecency" header but still no results.

更新 2 (05.02.2020)新笔记完全停止出现(即使在几周后也经过测试).有趣的是,如果我创建一个新部分,该部分会立即从 API 端点弹出(只是名称,没有注释).

UPDATE 2 (05.02.2020) The new notes stopped showing up completely (tested even after a few weeks time). What is interesting is that if I create a new section the section pops up from the API endpoint immediately (just name, without notes).



We believe this issue has been resolved. It was a bad machine cluster on our end that was causing the jobs to get stuck and hence the delay. Let us know. Thanks!


